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Your manager asks you to put a training presentation together for an all agency staff meeting

Your manager asks you to put a training presentation together for an all agency staff meeting

Foundations of counseling assignment 4

Veterans center clients:

Vary in age from 20 to 85

Are male and female

Include those with physical handicaps from different wars

Your manager asks you to put a training presentation together for an all agency staff meeting defining treatment strategies for these different types of clients for the entire staff of therapists, nurses and social workers at the center. Your presentation should include the following:

At least 1 slide for each of the following topics:




Mental Disabilities

Physical Handicaps

4-5 bullet points per slide covering the aspects the therapist may need to be sensitive to in treating the individual.

Answer preview to your manager asks you to put a training presentation together for an all agency staff meeting

Your manager asks you to put a training presentation together for an all agency staff meeting7 slides

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