Treatment plan; Legal/Ethical
Treatment plan; Legal/Ethical
Note that the fourth section of the paper serves as an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to provide
evidence based culturally competent treatment. The treatment plan should capitalize on the client’s strengths
and culture thus the plan should look different and be supported by evidence.
1. Generate a formal treatment plan that is evidenced-based and utilizes the unique resources of
the particular character. (Remember, your goals and interventions must follow the SMART
2. Provide a rationale for the interventions you used by providing relevant, evidenced-based
literature, which not only includes specific interventions, but considerations that go along with
• Can the studies you are using to show that the intervention is effective be generalized to other
populations or is there a gap regarding what is available for a specific population? Note: you
will need to also research cultural considerations for this section.
o Develop at least 3 goals and the supporting measurable objectives that will help the
patient achieve his/her goal(s). (Your treatment approaches will be included in this section.
Remember to capitalize on the client’s strengths that were identified.)
Remember measurable objectives include a) who is responsible for what; b) what
exactly has to be completed (usually this includes a number to be able to know if the
objective has been completed); and the timeframe for completion.
o Provide a rationale for each therapeutic intervention and include citations as evidence for
therapeutic effectiveness. (Include in-text citations and references.)
o Include pharmacological interventions that have been used to treat symptoms or diagnosis.
Utilizing pharmacological databases note any side effects that this medication can
cause that social workers need to know.
Explain what you would do should you suspect that the patient is suffering from
negative medication side effects.
3. Consider the ethical, legal and risk considerations regarding this case.
4. After completing this section, reflect as a group about all the knowledge and skills that you had
to apply during this analysis. Then write a few paragraphs about how this course has helped
you to grow as professional social workers and how this experienced has changed the way you
view mental illness.
Use these references and more, but definastely these 2:
Corcoran, J. & Walsh, J. (2022). Clinical assessment and diagnosis in social work practice. (5th Edition). Oxford, England: University Press.
American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Text Revision (DSM-5®). (5th Edition). Washington, DC: Author.
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