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The latest fashion of ‘unconscious bias training’ is a diversity intervention based on unproven suppositions

The latest fashion of ‘unconscious bias training’ is a diversity intervention based on unproven suppositions

The latest fashion of ‘unconscious bias training’ is a diversity intervention based on unproven suppositions and is unlikely to help eliminate racism in the workplace. Knowing about bias does not automatically result in changes in behaviour by managers and employees. Even if ‘unconscious bias training’ has the theoretical potential to change behaviour, it will depend on the type of racism: symbolic/modern/colour-blind, aversive or blatant. In addition, even if those deemed racist are motivated to change behaviour, structural constraints can militate against pro-diversity actions. Agency is overstated by psychology-inspired ‘unconscious bias training’ proponents, leading them to assume the desirability and effectiveness of this type of diversity training intervention, but from a critical diversity perspective (sociologically influenced) the training looks pointless.

[10 points]  The concept of unconscious bias has strong proponents as well as opponents.  Respond to Mike Noon regarding people’s ability to change, or in the case of unconscious bias training, to change a company’s work culture.  If you disagree with Noon’s assessment, agree, or both agree and disagree on certain points with Noon, use Eberhardt’s work as evidence to refute or support your thoughts and observations on this complex issue.

Mike Noon (2017, Pointless Diversity Training:  Unconscious Bias, New Racism and Agency, Work, Employment, and Societyhttps://doi-org.ezproxy.library.und.edu/10.1177/0950017017719841) has a different take on Unconscious Bias, specifically ‘unconscious bias training’.  Noon writes in his abstract:


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The latest fashion of ‘unconscious bias training’ is a diversity intervention based on unproven suppositionsAPA

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