Traditional kingdoms
Analyze: Identify Romare Bearden’s iconography by reading his biography and analyzing his collage Tomorrow I May Be Far Away [See attachment]
Write: Now write a 200-300-word essay, discussing Tomorrow I May Be Far Away:
• Bearden’s use of iconography– What images did you see and what meaning did you attach to them? (Please support this with references/citations)
• Bearden’s style– Is his style natural, abstract, expressionistic, etc.?
How do you know this?
• Perspective – How does Bearden use perspective in this collage?
What type of perspective does Bearden employ(use)?
• Mood – Tell us about the mood of Bearden’s piece.
Is it happy, sad, contemplative, angry, etc.? Why do you say this?
• Identify three elements of art that Bearden made use of in creating his collage [Do not just name the elements — describe his use of the elements: i.e.. Bearden uses a complementary pallet in this painting, he interposes various tints and shades of blue and orange in his background.]
• Identify three additional principles of design that Bearden employed in the creation of this piece. [Do not just name the principles — describe his use of the principles: i.e. Bearden’s piece is asymmetrically balanced. He creates an upbeat Jazzy rhythm through the repeating shapes of the dancers.
Do not just answer the questions. This is to be an essay response so have a clear organization of your essay. Support your comparisons with evidence from the Internet and our text. Correctly cite your sources within your essay. The use of proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, complete sentences, and citations remain important components of your essay so be sure to use spell and grammar check this will be graded.
Post your essay response in the Assignment window provided. Please copy and paste the content of your Word document into the window. along with your response to part two of this exercise:
Analyze: Choose Either
Broadway Boogie Woogie (1943) by Piet Mondrian OR
Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962) by Andy Warhol
[See attachment]
Write: Now write a 200-300-word essay, discussing the artwork you have chosen.
• Describe the piece as if you were helping a blind person to “see” it. Include date of creation and media used.
• Space – How does the artist use space in this work?
• Emphasis – Where is the emphasis in the piece?
• Shape – How does the artist use shape?
• Which role (roles) of the artist is demonstrated in the art you chose?
REMEMBER: As with part one, Do not just answer the questions. This is to be an essay response so have a clear organization of your essay. Support your comparisons with evidence from the Internet and our text. Correctly cite your sources within your essay. The use of proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, complete sentences, and citations remain important components of your essay so be sure to use spell and grammar check this will be grade
………………….Answer preview………………………
Bearden has drawn images of a man sitting on a chair with a big body, this may show that this is a king who is watching his servants as they perform their daily duties. In the same pictures there is a presence of a beautiful woman alongside the king this shows how women were used in this kingdom or other kingdoms as a form of beauty or leisure Parathyroid, Lane and Stansifer(2015). We can agree that Bearden his style is too natural this is simply because the images presented are much of more traditional kingdoms when the camera…………………
654 words