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Contrast and compare the two countries in terms of their major trade policies

Contrast and compare the two countries in terms of their major trade policies

A Trade Policy for Tomorrow

In preparation for this assignment, read the assigned textbook chapters, the two module articles (Shattering the Myths about U.S. Trade PolicyDevelopment Lessons for Asia from Non-Asian Countries), and view this TED Talk on foreign direct investment.

Then, look at U.S. trade policies and at another market’s trade policies. Contrast and compare the two countries in terms of their major trade policies. Which policy or policies do you think are most important and why? What do you think might be a necessary trade policy that has not yet been implemented? What do you think is the future of trade policies?

This submission will be graded with the Module Two Case Study Guidelines and Rubric document.


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Trade policies in the United States and China share some similarities while at the same time are different. The two countries share three important trading policies. Both nations have anti-dumping trade policy as stipulated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in efforts to protect local manufacturers and industries from unfair competition…………………………


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