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TOPIC: Aging Changes in Hormone Levels – Sexual Side Effects

TOPIC: Aging Changes in Hormone Levels – Sexual Side Effects

Part one:

Locate 10 recent articles, book chapters, and/or Web sites on the topic, and create a reference list using APA format.

  • Sources must have been published in the last five years.
  • Examples of appropriate sources are scholarly professional journals, as explained athttp://www.umuc.edu/library/guides/identify.shtml .
  • Library databases recommended for this assignment include CINHAHL (Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and AgeLine.
  • No more than two websites may be used, and they must be evaluated for trustworthiness athttp://www.umuc.edu/library/guides/web.shtml#Evaluate .
  • Feel free to ask a librarian at UMUC for research help at http://www.umuc.edu/library/help/ask.shtml

Part Two (Begin on separate paper):

Write an annotated bibliography. Each citation in your reference list should be followed by a brief (usually about 150 word) descriptive and evaluative paragraph explaining how this source will help to develop your paper. For more information on creating an annotated bibliography, visit: http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/skill28.htm .

Part Three (Begin on separate paper):

Formulate a thesis statement and an outline for your paper. For information on creating a thesis statement, seehttp://umuc.edu/ewc/students/multimedia.shtml .

Create a paper outline using the following format:

Research Paper Title

  1. Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to health and aging, and present a focused thesis statement. For more information, see: http://www.umuc.edu/ewc/students/intro.shtml.
  2. Body: Main points and articles your will use to support your point.
  3.     Main point 1 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
  4.     Main point 2 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
  5.     Main point 3 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
  6.     Etc.

III. Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points. For more information, see:http://www.umuc.edu/ewc/students/conclude.shtml .

Part Four (Seperate paper):

Write a 6-8 page draft of your paper, including the following:

  • Title page: Provide the title of the paper, your name, and the course and section
  • Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to health and aging, and present a focused thesis statement
  • Body: Identify and develop each main point in an organized, clear manner, using in-text citations. Discuss possible solutions to the issue.
  • Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points.
  • Reference list: Incorporate revisions from Part/Step 1







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            Aging is defined as the progressive changes in our bodies that are related to passage of time. Though physiological changes occurring with age may affect life in our 70s, 80s and beyond, unlike how it was in younger age, a lot can be done to improve health and longevity, as well as reduce the risks of physical and mental disability as one ages. Studies show that we are more likely to live on average about 10 years longer than our parents and also likely to live healthier lives.

             In almost every society, the proportion of people aged over 60 years is increasing faster than as it is with other age groups, and therefore raising concerns of longer life expectancy and health. This can be viewed…..


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