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Behaviors in the sun ‘s path and temperature were noted and were different

Behaviors in the sun ‘s path and temperature were noted and were different

I completed lab 3 and my chosen inclination for earth was 58 degrees. Behaviors in the sun ‘s path and temperature were noted and were different than what they were when the inclination was set to “Earth”. The sun never came out in winter and was rarely out during autumn. Nights lasted the entire winter season and summer and springs days were much longer than usual. When the inclination is set to Earth, the year round temperature ranges from Mild 1/2 (hottest) and Cool 1/2 (coldest). My inclination temperature ranged much more widely: Warm 1/2 throughout spring and summer all the way down to Cold 1/2 in winter. The population of birds and their habits could be affected in this theoretical inclination, but not as drastically as say, an inclination of Venus or Uranus. Within 5 years, the only change I can predict would be an increase in overall population. As time passes, the longer days and overall warmer temperatures could mean that food supply would increase, creating the possibility of more birds being able to feed within the same area. After 10 years, there would be more birds flocking to the “X” during the spring and summer


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For a short duration of days and nights all over the world as the Earth moves on its trail around the sun nights become longer as days become shorter. This change is usually more noticeable in areas of higher altitudes but does not affect areas around the equator. The change in the amount of light is what signals animals, and this usually has an effect on their reproduction since it has to be perfectly timed (van Schaik, 2005)…………………..

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