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Three exercises about leadership

Three exercises about leadership
  1. Leadership+in+Organizations+(8th+Edition)+-+Yukl,+Gary+A_.pdfThis is the E-book ,you can

    1.  Experiential Leadership Exercise #2:

    use it.This exercise is designed to help you develop a personal definition of leadership and clarify your assumptions and expectations about leadership and effectiveness.

    Complete the following tasks:

     TASK 1:  Describe Your Ideal Leader.

    List five desirable and five undesirable characteristics of your ideal leader.

    TASK 2:  Develop Your Personal Definition of Leadership.

    Explain and defend your list of desirable and undesirable characteristics and develop your personal definition of leadership.

    TASK 3:  Distinguish Between Leadership and Management

    Explain how your personal definition of leadership would differ from your personal definition of management.

    Please make sure you fully support your responses to the exercise questions.

  2.  Experiential Leadership Exercise #2:



    Complete the following questions based on how you act in a typical leadership situation at work or school.  For each item, circle the number that best describes you.
               DISAGREE      AGREE
          1   2        3   4   5 

    1.  I have a clear sense of mission for change, which I   1  2  3  4  5
    repeatedly describe to others. 

    2.  I signal the value of a change and improvements with    1  2  3  4  5
    various symbols and statements. 

    3.  One of my strengths is to encourage people to frequently   1  2  3  4  5
    express ideas and opinions that differ from my own.

    4.  I always celebrate the “effort” to improve things, even if the  1  2  3  4  5
    final outcome is disappointing.

    5.   I see my primary job as “inspiring” others toward improvements  1  2  3  4  5
    in their jobs.

    6.   Sometimes I use dramatic flourishes – a brainstorming session,  1  2  3  4  5
    stop work, go to an off-site – to signal an important change
    to people.

    7.   Often I take risks and let others take risks that could be a 1  2  3  4  5
    problem if the idea failed.

    8.   I spend time developing new ways of approaching old problems.  1  2  3  4  5

    9.   I always believe the “effort” to improve something should be  1  2  3  4  5
    rewarded,  even if the final improvement is disappointing.

    10.   I frequently complement others on changes they have made.  1  2  3  4  5

    11.   I am personally involved in several improvement projects at   1  2  3  4  5
    one time.

    12.   I try to be a good listener and be patient with what people  1  2  3  4  5
    suggest, even when it is a “stupid” idea.

    13.   I like to support change efforts, even when the idea may not  1  2  3  4  5

    14.   I work at the politics of change to build agreement for ideas  1  2  3  4  5
    for improvement.

    15.   I am able to get higher-ups to support ideas for improvement.  1  2  3  4  5

    Add the numbers you circled for your total “change leadership” score.  Your score indicates the extent to which you are a positive force for change.  The questions represent behaviors associated with successful change leadership.
    Use the following key to interpret your total change leadership score:
    60 – 75:  Great – You are a dynamo for leading change.
    45 – 60:  Good – You are a positive change leader.
    30 – 45:  Adequate – You have a typical attitude toward change.
    15 – 30:  Poor – You may be dragging down change efforts.
    Go back over the questions on which you scored the lowest and develop a detailed plan to improve your approach to change.  Please make sure your plan includes specific goals and actions steps to improve as a leader.

  • Experiential Leadership Exercise #8

    Are You a Team Player?

    Let’s face it, some people find it easier to work in teams than others.  Are you already a “team player,” or have you not yet developed the skills needed to work effectively with others in teams?  Knowing where you stand along this dimension may come in handy when it comes to understanding a new job or planning your next work assignment.  The following questionnaire will give you insight into this question.


    1. Read each of the following statements and carefully consider whether or not it accurately describes you on the job most of the time.
    2. Then, on the line next to each statement, write “Yes” if the statement describes you most of the time, or “No” if it does not describe you most of the time.  If you are uncertain, write a questions mark (“?”).
    3. Do your best to respond to all items as honestly as possible.

    Most of the time, on the job, I …..

    _____ 1.  demonstrate high ethical standards.
    _____ 2.   deliver on the promises I make.
    _____ 3.   take initiative, doing what’s needed without being told.
    _____ 4.   follow the norms and standards of the group without being told.
    _____ 5.   put team goals ahead of my own.
    _____ 6.  accurately describe my team to others in the organization.
    _____ 7.  pitch in to help others learn new skills.
    _____ 8.   do at least my share of the work
    _____ 9.  coordinate the work I do with others.
    _____ 10.  try to attend all meetings and arrive on time for them.
    _____ 11.  come to meeting prepared to participate.
    _____ 12.  stay focused on the agenda during team meetings.
    _____ 13.  share with others new knowledge I may have about the job.
    _____ 14.  encourage others to raise questions about the way things are.
    _____ 15.  affirm positive things about others’ ideas before noting concerns.
    _____ 16.  listen to others without interrupting them.
    _____ 17.  ask questions to others to make certain I understand them.
    _____ 18.  make sure I attend to a speaker’s nonverbal messages.
    _____ 19.  praise others who have performed well.
    _____ 20.  give constructive, nonjudgmental feedback to others.
    _____ 21.  receive constructive feedback with acting defensively.
    _____ 22.  communicate ideas without threats or ridicule.
    _____ 23.  explain the reasoning behind my opinions.
    _____ 24.  demonstrate my willingness to change my opinions.
    _____ 25.  speak up when I disagree with others.
    _____ 26.  show disagreement in a tactful, polite manner.
    _____ 27.  discuss possible areas of agreement with others with whom I am in conflict.
    Scoring Your Questionnaire

    1. Count the number of times you responded by saying “yes.”
    2. Then, count the number of times you responded by saying “no.”
    3. Add these two numbers together.
    4. To determine your team player score, divide the number of times you say “yes” (step 1) by the total (step 3).  Then, multiply by 100.  Your score will be between 0 and 100.  Higher scores reflect greater readiness for working in teams.

    Answer the Following Questions:

    1. What was your score?
    2. What underlying criteria or team success are assessed by this questionnaire?
    3. What does this questionnaire reveal about the ways in which you are best equipped to work in teams?
    4. What does this questionnaire reveal about the ways you are most deficient when it comes to working in teams.
    5. What do you think you could do to improve your readiness for working in teams?  Please develop a specific plan to improve your readiness for working in teams.

    Fully support your responses to the exercise questions.





………………..Answer Preview…………..

TASK 1:  Describe Your Ideal Leader.

  • Desirable
  • Trustworthy
  • Intelligent
  • Informed
  • Positive
  • Communicative


  • Undesirable
  • Dictatorial
  • Ruthless
  • Irritable
  • Non cooperative
  • Asocial
  • Non explicit


TASK 2:  Develop Your Personal Definition of Leadership.

My personal definition of leadership is that a leader is a person who is able to effectively communicate organ…


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