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During his work with Freud’s psychoanalytic group, Adler’s thinking evolved toward the belief that individuals were motivated by all except

During his work with Freud’s psychoanalytic group, Adler’s thinking evolved toward the belief that individuals were motivated by all except

Question 1
2 Points
During his work with Freud’s psychoanalytic group, Adler’s thinking evolved toward the belief that individuals were motivated by all except which one of the following?

A desire to overcome feelings of inferiority

A striving for perfection

A striving for wholeness

A need to overcome one’s drives

Question 2
2 Points
Which of the following schools of therapy were not “claimed” by Adler?





Question 3
2 Points
During in-depth analytical work, the Adlerian therapist can help the client understand how:

Early memories have led to private logic

The future will affect one’s final goal

One’s thoughts effects one’s behavior

The “here and now” should be the sole focus of therapy

Question 4
2 Points
Adler stressed the importance groups played in teaching people the appropriate way to behave, and this behavior helped the individual obtain feedback from others and gain a sense of a certain feeling. What behavior and feeling did he refer to?

Social behavior; feeling of togetherness

Religious behavior; feeling of community

Family behavior; feeling of togetherness

Community behavior; feeling of socialization

Question 5
2 Points
Primary and secondary feelings of inferiority and which of the following are related to the development of our lifestyle?

Spiritual factors

Compensatory behaviors

Associated desires

All of the above

Question 6
2 Points
Adler could be said to be one of the first therapists to focus on:

Social justice and peace

The unconscious and dreams

Environmental and biological motivators

Narcissism and subordination

Question 7
2 Points
Which is true of the effectiveness of Adlerian therapy?

There has been an abundance of research that demonstrates its efficacy.

Many of the basic ideas of Adlerian therapy (the importance of the relationship, of hope, of trust) have been shown to be predictors of successful outcomes in counseling.

Research has shown particular success with prison populations.

The work with children has surprisingly shown limited success (50% successful).

Question 8
2 Points
Which is not a technique used when working with adults in Adlerian therapy?


Interpretation of the Transference Relationship

Task setting

Acting “as if”

Question 9
2 Points
Which of the following might Adler do when working with a client who can be identified in a minority group?

Help the client see how his or her feelings of inferiority have led to feelings of anger toward the majority group.

Suggest to the client that one needs to accept the fact that others in the world will abuse their power.

Build a therapeutic relationship and help the client understand his or her lifestyle, which is the first step toward insight and understanding of self and others.

Suggest that they are best off seeing a therapist within their minority group.

Question 10
2 Points
Which of the following tends to not be used when working with children in Adlerian therapy?

Building a trusting relationship and encouragement


Limit setting

Socratic questioning

I need answers to these questions which are the week 3

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During his work with Freud’s psychoanalytic group, Adler’s thinking evolved toward the belief that individuals were motivated by all except


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