Write the Research Paper using the Topic and Proposal you submitted. Your paper must have a thesis statement (this is not a survey of material). Your paper must be thoroughly documented and not contain your opinion.  The Conclusion section should be based on the research provided in the body of your paper.


Your paper must include the following (according to the Turabian style format):

  • Title page
  • Thesis Statement: it is a sentence or two that captures the focus of your research and inform your reader about the purpose of the paper and previews its main ideas.
  • Table of Contents: should show a clearly defined outline that will also be visible throughout the paper.  Include these “section headings” in the body of your paper (See Turabian, pp. 397-98 for section heading use and formats).
  • Introduction: strong paragraph that introduces your topic and clearly reveals what you intend to show to the reader (should include the substance of your thesis statement, purpose and brief overview of your paper).
  • Body: its structured development should mirror your outline. This is where you prove your point while honestly interacting with opposing views and major objections. Make sure to include transitional sentences toinsure a flow and sense of unity from paragraph to paragraph.
  • Conclusion: it should not be a mere the restatement of your thesis. Instead, your conclusion should be a synthesis of the information presented in the body. It should bring the reader to the full level of understanding of your topic that you have yourself reached.
  • Selected Bibliography (including at least 10 sources–not counting the Bible or ”Required” textbooks).

Formatting Guidelines


The format guidelines for this paper are according to the most recent Turabian edition[1] and are as follows:

  1. Footnotes are to be used to document research in the body of your paper (no in-text citations or endnotes). This paper should have a minimum of 20 to 25 footnotes.
  1. The body of the paper (Introduction to Conclusion) must be a minimum of 10 full pages in length and not exceed 12 pages.
  2. The completed paper must encompass all 7 sections above and be written in proper Turabian format (see the Turabian manual).
  3. Text should be double-spaced and written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Use a recent version of Microsoft Word in which to write your paper.
  4. Misspellings, grammatical errors, poor syntax, excessive use of the first person, or failure to comply with all structural/content criteria will count against your grade.


…………………Answer Preview………………..

Table of Contents

Thesis statement 3

Introduction. 3

The mythical view.. 4

Critical ideology. 8

Conclusion. 11

Bibliography. 12


Thesis statement

Bultmann committed himself to the mediation of Christian tradition with an attempt to create a specific religious vision and a theological interpretation that is fruitful for both the present and future generations.


Bultmann asserts that biblical myths, for instance, the three-level universe, the heaven situated above, the earth with hell lying below, Satan, angels, incarnation, resurrection, the ascent into heaven, second coming of Jesus, miracles and judgment require interpretation to intensify its meaning to the modern man. Rudolf Bultmann published his works in 1941 on the modification of the New Testament[1]. Rudolf uses the term demythologization thus meaning the interpretation of the ancient myths of thought within

[1] Alfred Glenn. Rudolf Bultmann; removing the false offense. Journal of evangelical theological society. N.d



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