The Labor Question
Industrial workplaces changed significantly in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century. Many of these changes, and workers’ reactions to them, prompted widespread discussions of “The Labor Question.”
Using what you have learned through your readings, video and lessons, write an essay in which you answer the following questions: What was “The Labor Question” and why was it so important in turn-of-the-century America? What changes prompted the discussion of this question, and what were the various ways that people tried to address it?
Synthesize information from your primary and secondary sources in your answer, and be sure to include a reference to at least one primary source .
Your paper must reference all of its sources (include citations) and it should be 2 pages long, if double-spaced and in 12 point font.
Text Book:
From The Folks Who Brought You The Weekend.
Chitty, P. M. (2001). Labor in Colonial America: The Bond and The Free. In P. M. Chitty, From The Folks Who Brought You The Weekend (pp. 6,7). New York City: The New York Press.
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What was “The Labor Question” and why was it so important in turn-of-the-century America?
The “labor questions” was of great concern among Americans in 1912, with each political party that competed in the elections developing its own version of the question. “Labor question” mainly focused on the effective ways of solving the problems that workers in the industrial society faced. This question was very important as many Americans in 1912 feared that the American society was coming apart as a result of a brutal conflict between “labor” and “capital”, something that left the public out of the picture. During………………….
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