The Five I’s case study on culturing Salmonella
The Five I’s case study on culturing Salmonella (Extended response writing assessment)
Instructions: Use the five I\’s to describe from start to finish how you would culture an environmental source of Salmonella contamination. You will need to describe a theoretical outbreak or source of contamination from which you derived your sample.
This assignment is an “extended writing response” which is longer than a short answer response but shorter than an essay.
Make sure to describe each of the five I\’s and how you used them.
Your response should be at least 300 words.
If you write less than the minimum words required your maximum grade will be calculated with the following formula: # of words written/ word count minimum.
Please note that your papers will be run through anti-plagiarism software. You are not allowed to use blocks of text from any source (not even for a technical definition). You must describe in your own words the topic(s) you have written about and then cite where you got the information from through an in-text citation and a works cited page. Please do not use direct quotations. Direct quotations are considered inappropriate for this style of paper and will be subtracted from your total word count.
You must then have all your full citations listed at a dedicated section of your paper. Your full citation (works cited/references) should mirror the MLA standard. Listing a URL by itself is insufficient; see MLA style guides for examples of a properly cited source.
Any incorrect statements will be counted against you. Any unnecessary or weirdly worded sentences intended to make your paper artificially longer will count against you.
Paper Format: MLA
Answer preview to The Five I’s case study on culturing Salmonella
600 words