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The Delivery Modality

The Delivery Modality

University of Phoenix Material

Instructional Plan Guidelines


You will design and create an instructional plan prototype following the ADDIE model. The plan will be based on your completed Course Title and Description assignment.


Refer to the University of Phoenix Material, “Webliography,” for the definition of the ADDIE model.


There are three parts to the Instructional Plan:

Part I: Analysis and Design of Instruction

Part II: Development and Implementation of Instruction

Part III: Evaluation of Instruction

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this three-part assignment is to experience the process of designing an instructional plan following instructional design practices. You will not necessarily have a complete plan for immediate implementation. Be prepared to present your Instructional Plan in Week Six.

Students must upload the final completed Instructional Plan (Parts I, II, and III) to their personal Presentation Portfolio in TaskStream. This is required.



Complete the University of Phoenix Material “Instructional Plan PowerPoint®” The information from each of the three parts of your instructional plan must be included on the PowerPoint® template. The template is your guide and framework. Designing an instructional plan within six weeks is very difficult so the template is designed to help build upon each section in small chunks.

Read through the entire template to gain an understanding of the components for each of the three sections. This will help you to understand the “big picture” for the entire project.

Follow the instructions outlined within the template and the instructions within this document.

To complete this assignment, refer to the weekly text readings for Weeks 1 – 5 for additional information on each component of the ADDIE model.

Within the PowerPoint® template, include a reference page that follows APA requirements. Ideally, you should include a few references for each section so that by Part III you have a minimum of six references, the number of references required by the end of Part III.


The Three Sections of the Assignment


Part I – Analysis and Design of Instruction (Due Week Three)

Using the first and second components of the ADDIE model, complete the following:


Define the needs assessment

Define the gap analysis

Define the goals and performance-based objectives

Describe the summative assessment, learning outcomes, learner characteristics, and learning context


Describe your analysis and design according to the following guidelines:


Needs Assessment: The results of the needs assessment should provide the following:

The learning problem or opportunity

The analysis of the gap between what is available and what should be available

The recommended solution for filling the gap

Instructional Goal: Develop one instructional goal based on your needs assessment and gap analysis.

Performance-Based Objectives (PBOs): Identify two PBOs following the guidelines below:

Use “ABCD” for creating objectives

A – audience – Who is the learner?

B – behavior – What is the expected measurable behavior?

C – conditions – What are the conditions under which this PBO will be accomplished (the criteria for evaluating the students’ performance)?

D –degree of accomplishment – What is the degree of accuracy that the learners need to accomplish?

Summative assessment and learning outcomes: List and describe the type of summative assessment you will use to evaluate learning outcomes; for example, a multiple-choice test. Your selected assessment should align with your plan’s PBOs and goal.

Learner Characteristics: Provide three learner characteristics along with a description of their possible implications for the design of your instruction. Learning characteristics include number of students/employees impacted by your instructional plan, gender, age groups, skills levels, education levels, prior experience, etc.

Learning Context: This section includes the following:

Description of the intended instructional setting (e.g., classroom, field experience, workplace setting, web-based, online, etc.), including its characteristics, resources, and constraints.

Description of the intended application setting (e.g., workplace, classroom, online, etc.), including its characteristics, resources, and constraints.

Explanation of how the information about the learning context will be used in developing the instructional plan.


Part II – Development and Implementation of Instruction (Due Week Five)

Using the third and fourth components of the ADDIE model, complete the following:


Develop the delivery modality and select instructional strategies

Create a plan for implementation

Identify the participants in the learning setting

Evaluate resources for instructional delivery

Analyze the uses of formative evaluations


Use the following guidelines:


Develop the delivery modality: Based on the learning context and learner characteristics, determine the most effective method of delivery (e.g., an instructor-led course, a Web-based tutorial, an asynchronous learning environment, a synchronous learning environment, Podcasts, a Web-based conference, video taped instruction, etc.).

Instructional Strategies: The overall plan governing the instructional content (the information to be taught) and the process (how will it be taught). Select instructional strategies that will be used to facilitate instruction, and explain the main concepts that learners will need to understand in order to master this topic.

Plan for Implementation: This section defines the timelines for the actual implementation of instruction. This includes the delivery dates for classroom, online, or Web-based instruction and the amount of time it will take learners to complete the course (e.g.,1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc.). Individuals and materials involved (e.g., facilitator, learners, copies of materials, activities, etc.) must be prepared.

Define how you will implement your plan, including the specifics of who will be involved as part of the implementation, what resources are needed to implement your plan, where the instruction will be implemented, when the instruction will be implemented (e.g., weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly), and how your plan will be implemented (e.g., How you will communicate the plan, how you will build interest and commitment, how you will select your participants.).

Instructional Resources: Within this section, describe the materials that will be necessary to implement the instructional plan. (e.g., computer, whiteboard, hardware/software, manipulatives, and supplemental materials).

Formative Assessment: Describe five formative assessment strategies that could be incorporated into the implementation of your instructional plan.


Part III– Evaluation of Instruction (Due Week Six)

Using the last component of the ADDIE model, complete the following:


Examine strategies for evaluating the instructional plan

Identify criteria for examining if design goals, performance-based objectives, and learning outcomes were achieved

Analyze possible recommendations for future use


Use the following guidelines


Evaluation Strategies: Describe strategies for evaluating your instructional plan; for example, student surveys, follow-up with management staff, improvement in performance, academic achievement, and other qualitative and quantitative data as appropriate.

Outcome Review: Identify criteria for determining that design goals, performance-based objectives, and learning outcomes were achieved; for example, a rubric, a scoring guide, a rating scale, or a Likert scale.

Recommendations: Based on the outcome review, analyze, and describe possible recommendations for future use of the instructional plan.

References: List resources (e.g., Web sites, articles, books, etc.) used to complete your instructional plan. Your resources should follow APA requirements. A minimum of six references is required to complete this plan.

AET515_r2_Webliography[1]-1 (1)


………………………..Answer preview……………………..
Based on the learner characteristics, where most of the students are available on a full time basis to attend classes. An integration of both traditional and non-traditional instructional methods would be suitable for the learners…………………………….


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