Read Chapter 8: Social, Emotional, and Moral Development
- Read Chapter 8: Social, Emotional, and Moral Development and Chapter 9: The Development of the Self, Identity, and Personality in the course textbook.
- Read the article Oh, the Places You’ll Go! How International Mobility Challenges Identity Development in Adolescence (Links to an external site.).
- Watch the video segment Eight Stages of the Life Cycle (Links to an external site.).
Be sure to use your own Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) and apply in-text citations appropriately throughout your post per the Writing Center’s Citing resource.
Initial Discussion ( 300- 400 words minimum, APA Format, include in-text citation, and list references.)
- Choose one stage of Erikson’s stages of development and identify the major proponents of the stage.
- Identify personal examples of behaviors you have experienced or witnessed that support the stage you explained. Share only information that you are comfortable with, or you may use another’s experiences or a fictitious example.
Complete 2 peer responses 300 words minimum each, APA Format, include in-text citations, and list references.)
Peer Response (J)
Explain the difference between self-concept and self-esteem, according to your required text.
According to the required text, “to distinguish self-esteem from self-concept, think about them this way: self-concept reflects the beliefs and thoughts about the self. Self-concept does not hold a lot of judgment or emotion. Self-esteem, on the other hand, is more emotional “(Shriner & Shriner, 2014, sec. 9.2).
In your own words and utilizing citations, compare and contrast the self-concept and self-esteem stages for middle childhood versus adolescence.
The self-concept and self-esteem stages for middle childhood versus adolescents both increases during these stages. Both stages become more advance with self-concept and are more affected by their self-esteem, however, during the adolescents stage self-concept becomes much more complex and self-esteem rises again. During the middle childhood stage there is a distinct gender differences in the development of self-concept. “Girls tend to have more positive self-concepts regarding reading, general academic skills, and helping others. On the other hand, boys tend to have more positive self-concepts in term of math, physical ability, and physical appearance” (Shriner &Shriner, 2014, sec. 9.2). During adolescence children self-concept is described the same as the middle childhood stage, however, during adolescence children begin to incorporate psychological characteristics and social relationships into their self-descriptions.
During the middle childhood stage, self-esteem tends to decline. One reason for the decline is that preschoolers are often egocentric and their self-concepts may be unrealistically high. During middle childhood, children begin to compare themselves to others and come up with more honest and critical self-appraisal. Parents and classmates have an equally strong effect on children’s self-esteem during this stage. During the adolescence stage their cognitive development grows, so does their understanding of the difference between their ideal self and their real self. Self-esteem gradually starts to increase during this stage, “perhaps as a result of an adolescent’s ability to adjust the ideal self to better reflect reality”(Shriner & Shriner, 2014, sec.9.2). However, there are still serious consequences associated with extreme discomfort an adolescent with low self-esteem may feel.
Reference: Shriner, B., & Shriner, M. (2014). Essentials of lifespan development: A topical approach. Bridgepoint Education.
Peer Response (B)
- Discuss the text’s suggestion that temperament is partially biological.
“Temperament is the patterns of arousal and emotionality that are a consistent and enduring characteristic of an individual. Some researchers believe that temperament involves a genetic component (Elliot & Thrash, 2010; Zuckerman,2011). A child’s temperament can include many different aspects of behavior, such as activity level, smiling and laughing, regularity of eating and sleep habits, approach or withdrawal, adaptability to new situations, intensity of responsiveness, general cheerfulness or unpleasantness, distractibility or tenacity, and how easily they are soothed (Thomas & Chess, 1989).” (Shriner & Shriner, 2014).
I believe that this means that different things can come from parents biologically for children. We can get things like the reading said like our smile etc. from our parents. The way that we are raised and the environment that we live in can be something else that can make up our temperament.
- What evidence have you experienced in your own life? Share only information that you are comfortable with, or you may use another’s experiences or a fictitious example.
In my own life, I would say that seeing things like my mom divorcing my dad and being married to an alcoholic has deterred me from wanting to be around drinking and I really have a hard time trusting men because of some of the things that I experienced with her husband (not my dad) over the years. I have a wall up from things that happened in my childhood and things that I have experienced from that.
- Identify how the “goodness of fit” could support parents in improving a child’s behavior.
I think something like helping your child and seeing them when they are having a hard time can help their behavior. Getting on their level and being there for them rather than going straight to punishment and yelling. Getting to their eye level and talking to them when they have calmed down is something I have noticed that helps my children personally.
Answer preview to read Chapter 8: Social, Emotional, and Moral Development
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