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Comparing different strategies telephony about defending against DDos

Comparing different strategies telephony about defending against DDos

My topic is about defending against telephony DDOS attacks.

Write a final research plan of not more than 2000 words (excluding references) that addresses the following elements: 1. Motivation for the research question 2. Identification of the research question 3. Proposed investigation method, with a demonstration (by reference to the literature) that it is appropriate for your academic field (what method and steps will you take to gather data or take measurements that allows you to answer your research question) 4. Description of the analysis method, justified by previous literature (how will you analyse and interpret the data you gathered in step 3 above) 5. A description of the likely contribution of the research to scientific knowledge The proportion of these five items will vary depending on your field. For example, in a novel domain the motivation and context may be shorter, but the method section longer because it must   be justified in more detail. In a more established field, the justification of your specific question may be longer but the method shorter. In general no section should exceed 500 words. The key sections for this assignment are sections 3 and 4, but all sections are important. The overall word limit should be a guide to the level of detail; excessively long submissions almost certainly represent an overinvestment of time in this activity. Further, the suggested word length is approximately the length of an introduction and method section in a conference publication; this is good practice for any publications you go on to write in the future
Comparing different strategies telephony about defending against DDos Comparing different strategies telephony about defending against DDos






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Comparing different strategies telephony about defending against DDos


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