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Technology inform

Technology inform

This paper should be professionally written, as if for a newspaper/blog/magazine. It should be informative and written well. It should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Additionally, be sure to conduct research on your chosen technology and show anything else that you feel will support your writing and answers. Be sure to weave your research throughout the paper.

First, list the TV show and the season & episode title of the show that you have selected at the top.

Second, provide some background of the show; set up the episode so that the reader can understand the important characters and any crucial plot lines that play into understanding the episode without viewing it. This does not have to be extremely detailed, but should paint a good picture of what the episode is about and who the key players are

Third, select ONE piece of technology that is being used in the episode (technology like computers, cell phones, text messaging, something that’s related to cs/info, etc… NOT indoor plumbing, toasters, socks) to focus on.

Provide brief description or synopsis of the setting/use of the technology within the context of the show selected. Be sure to provide details about the show to provide context as if someone hasn’t seen the show.

Provide an analysis of the technology focusing on the following questions:

Is the technology available currently in real life and in the show?
If it is available, HOW AVAILABLE is it? Available to everyone? Only a select few (those with wealth or power)? Provide reasoning and relevant research to support your answer.
If not available, is it in development? Are there people attempting to create such a technology currently? Are they succeeding?
Is this technology solving problems? Is it also creating any new problems?
(Include examples from the show and the real-world)
If it is not solving any problems, provide reasoning and research to show why it can’t solve problems.
How is the technology affecting the lives of the characters in the show? How would it affect the lives of people in real-life?
In your opinion, is this technology ethical? Why/why not?
Could it be used in ways that would be considered unethical?
In 5 to 10 years, how might this technology evolve or maybe diminish from the world?
The research paper will be graded upon the quality satisfaction of the following requirements.

Your paper is at least 3 FULL & COMPLETE pages (this excludes your works cited page). Double spaced and standard word format no larger than 10pt font, Arial/calibri)
You should also include at least 1 academic source (not Wikipedia!) and 1 direct lecture citations to support your writing.
Your paper exhibits proper in-line citation format and a works cited in MLA/APA format, if you are working with sources outside of the course materials AND lecture. You do not need to have a works cited item for course materials but please do indicate in-line which course material you are referencing when writing your paper.
Your paper reflects your understanding and/or interest of the topic at hand. This is exemplified best by a analysis on the topic at hand.
Your paper should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. It should also be well written, include full-complete sentences, and should be well edited for proper grammar and spelling.

………………………….Answer preview……………………….
Suits is a TV show that revolves around the lives of lawyers in a big New York law firm called Pearson Hardman. Episode 2 of Season 2 of suits is a time when people have to choose between two senior partners. One of the partners is Jessica Pearson and the other is Daniel Hardman. Daniel Hardman wants to come back to the firm and become the boss of everyone after five years of spending time with family. The people in the firm have to choose who to support as the number one in the firm………………………….
1009 words
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