Roles of virtues and parenting style in Smartphone addiction among Chinese college students
Roles of virtues and parenting style in Smartphone addiction among Chinese college students:
ALL papers should have the following four parts:
A Title Page
Please adhere to the guidelines in the above APA style guides. At a minimum, should include:
Your NameYour affiliations (e.g. UCI)ADDITIONALLY: Your SS3A HWID number should be included somewhere on this page
An Abstract150-250 words summarizing the paper. It is ideal to summarize the following:
The research question The major claim/hypothesis Description of the major reasons and summary of the evidence presented The major conclusion(s) of the paper
Any other points that feature prominently in your paper
A list of the keywords that you feel best to describe your paper topic and question
Main BodyThis section may be divided into any number of subsections, possibly including:
Background and SignificanceLiterature Review(Methods)(Results)(Discussion)ConclusionOthersThe bold section headings above will be used in nearly all papers for this course
Please see the pages that follow for details about the main body of your paper
Main Parts of this section should be identified using the Header 1 styleSubparts should be identified using Header 2, 3, etc.
You should ensure that these header levels conform to the APA style guidelinesReferencesAll references should include complete bibliographic information as required by the APA citation system and should be formatted accordingly. All online references and electronically accessible journal articles should have a stable URL or DOI for easy verification if a reader has questions
Begin on a separate page at the end of the paper include “References” OR “Works Cited” at the top, centered
List all references alphabetically, and then from most recent to least recent (if you have multiple references by the same author)Reverse-indent all references
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