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Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders.

Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders.

Consumerization of Technology at IFG

Review the Consumerization of Technology at IFG mini case. In a two to three page APA paper (excluding title and reference pages), address the following:

Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders.

IFG can’t afford the resources to identify, define, cleanse and validate all of its data. On the other hand building yet another data mart to address a specific problem worsens the data situation. Propose a solution that will enable IFG to leverage a key business problem /opportunity using their BI tools that does not aggravate their existing data predicament.

Consumerization of Technology at IFG paper

Must be two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages), in 12 point font, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing CenterLinks to an external site..

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site.table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

participate in the following Discussion Forums:

1st Posting Due by Day 3. IT Strategies for Customer Experience. It is known that users would continue to utilize those IT tools that they enjoy to use. Discuss three IT strategies that organizations can use to enhance the customer experience. Give an example from an organization and also discuss how they implemented one of the three strategies. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

1st Posting Due by Day 3. Digital Dashboards. The purpose of digital dashboards is to provide information from a variety of sources to users in an easy-to-use display that promotes understanding of key performance indicators. Discuss three strategies for successful deployment of digital dashboards. Give an example of an organization that uses a digital dashboard and briefly explain how it delivers value to the organization. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.


Due by Day 7. Managing Technology at Genex Fuels (Mini Case, p. 204-205). Review the Managing Technology at Genex Fuels mini case in your textbook. Discuss the evidence the CEO is using to suggest that Genex is not using technology competitively. Explain whether or not Devlin needed to hire Sandy, a “high-priced technology consultant,” to tell him that technology at Genex was a mess. Justify your reasoning. Devise a strategy to successfully implement enterprise-wide systems (such as SAP) at Genex.

Using APA style, write a 2-3 page paper outlining this process (please make sure there is a title page and a reference page in addition to the body of the paper).

Due by Day 7. Final Project Paper Proposal. For the project, you may select an existing company and identify improvements to a system or you can use your own company. The company must be approved by the instructor.

The purpose of the final project is to communicate the analyst’s findings upon completion of a detailed analysis of the current system. It also is intended to communicate the proposed approach to be used in continuing the project into the next phase. The proposal will consist of the purpose, history, and scope located in the final project template (be sure you can see the blue hidden text in the template which has additional instructions to guide you). Using APA style, write a 2-3 page paper proposal outlining this proposal (please make sure there is a title page and a reference page in addition to the body of the paper, and must use three or more scholarly references).


Welcome all!

In this third week, you would study the Strategic Experimentation with IT, Enhancing the Customer Experience with ITInformation Delivery: IT’s Evolving Role and Digital Dashboards (Chapters 10-13, McKeen and Smith, 2009).

Customer experiences with an organization differ in many respects. The level of participationand the type of relationship is highly significant in today’s experience economy. Participation itself can be active or passive. Passive participation is like reading a newspaper or other documents while active participation is playing an interactive game. The relationship also has two aspects: absorption and immersion. Absorption occurs when the experience enters a user’s or customer’s mind (like watching a movie or TV) while immersion occurs when the customer enters the experience (playing a virtual reality game). The best experiences include all aspects of each dimension – passive absorption, active absorption, passive immersion, and active immersion. The objective is to develop experiences that include elements of absorption and immersion and active and passive participation so that the customer is fully ‘engaged’ in the ‘staged’ experience. If the customer is engaged, the more money he will pay for what a business offer! Users in online communities share and exchange information with each other and their activities are a form of socialization, and Park (2007) suggests that ‘the anonymity of the web interface allows users to engage in online communities escaping many of the real world constraints of ethnicity, gender, nationality, income, family background and social strata.’

User Interfaces for IT applications and websites should be designed with usability, navigation and user experiencein mind. Usability and navigation are generally considered first by the program and user interface designers; however, enhancement of customer experience takes a back seat. So the user experience design should start from the customer’s perspective and then the designer should integrate the planned experience with the application. The overall customer experience should be memorable and satisfying so the user would willingly come back.

A digital dashboard (like scorecard) is an electronic user interface that offers management and employees timely and personalized information. This information would enable them to monitor and analyze the performance of the organization. A digital dashboard must provide significant and useful information when needed. Digital dashboards are focused on the providing information that is used and relied upon by the users; they do not help in analyzing the information – that is user’s job.

It is important to distinguish between just a report (with information) and a digital dashboard. However, like a report they can have graphs, charts and other illustrations that can be updated in real time. Digital dashboards offer mostly real-time access to data and are mostly automated – so information is available almost all the time and it is current all the time. These dashboards should not be designed to help solve problems; instead they are action-oriented. These dashboards are useful in reporting organizational metrics in real-time and to all interested parties. There are several companies that develop and implement digital dashboards to be used by various organizations, see for example, MicroStrategy Business Intelligence.

Should you have questions regarding these assignments, please contact me via email ([email protected]) or by posting a question in Ask your Instructor section. I look forward to reading your communications and discussions this week.


McKeen, J.D. and Smith, H.A. (2009). IT Strategy in Action. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

MicroStrategy Business Intelligence. Retrieved from http://www.microstrategy.com/software/business-int…

Park, J. Y. (2007). Empowering the user as the new media participant. Digital Creativity, 18 (3). Retrieved from http://vectortea.com/oweb/trinity/COMM%204395/Sour…

Answer preview to describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders.

Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders.


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