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Tai Chi: Concepts and Techniques

Tai Chi: Concepts and Techniques

This will be a practical demonstration of skill level developed with regard to Tai Chi form and written review addressing concepts and technique

Tai Chi Chuan 24 Posture Simplified Form

Posture and Alignment Basics URL( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVdE69D29bI&feature=endscreen)
Harvard Lecture on the Health Benefits of Tai Chi URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxpEyhDadrY&feature=player_embedded)
Tai Chi 8-form URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Z4sQNQtJM)
Tai Chi 8-form rear view URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXW3Vib5xfA&feature=related)
Tai Chi 8-form rear view URL(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhWIIdVyWVs)
Tai Chi 8-form front view URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxDDaqnK1z8)
Intro to Tai Chi Philosophy URL(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa63ILKghVs)
Cheng Man-ching 37 form applications URL(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0H_z9y3O6I&feature=related)
Tai Chi Push Hands Exercises URL(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XALpOmuQR88)
Warren Allen – Katana Exercises (http://moodle.wou.edu/pluginfile.php/61988/mod_resource/content/0/katana_demo_2.mp4)
Warren Allen – Liuhebafa Chuan File(http://moodle.wou.edu/pluginfile.php/61990/mod_resource/content/0/LiuhebafaHD_topic8.mp4)
Tai Chi Jian – Warren Allen File(http://moodle.wou.edu/pluginfile.php/61991/mod_resource/content/0/Topic%208_sword%20form.mp4)
Tai Chi Staff Form – Warren Allen(http://moodle.wou.edu/pluginfile.php/61993/mod_resource/content/0/Topic%208_staff%20form.mp4)
Tai Chi Fan Form – Warren Allen(http://moodle.wou.edu/pluginfile.php/61994/mod_resource/content/0/Topic%208_Fan%20Form.mp4)
Gao Jia Min Forms
Click http://www.uswushu.com/gallery/ link to open resource

……………….Answer Preview………………..

Tai Chi: Concepts and Techniques

Tai Chi, a martial arts technique, is a mind and body practice in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM); which is why it is also called moving meditation. It is a form of meditation because its practitioners move their bodies gently, slowly and with heightened awareness of the environment while breathing deeply. The name of this ancient martial art is derived from Chinese words meaning supreme ultimate fist. The concept of Tai Chi or Tai Chi Chuan appears in both Taoist and Confucian philosophy and has evolved over time in agreement with these ancient Chinese Philosophies. In ancient times, Tai Chi Chuan was used predominantly as a form of martial art for defense or attack. Over time…………..

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