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Developing a Data Collection Plan for System Analysis

Developing a Data Collection Plan for System Analysis

Developing a Data Collection Plan for System Analysis

Your facility has decided to purchase an imaging system. You have just developed a
survey instrument with interview questions to be used in determining the functional requirements
of the system. Determine who should be included in the survey and interviews. Your facility has
1,800 employees and 500 physicians on medical staff. With your resources, there is no way that
you can include everyone; however, you want to include as many people as possible, but you do
not have a lot of time and personnel to do the data collection and analysis. You also want to
include clinical and nonclinical users throughout the facility. At this time, you do not have to
specify the number of surveys and interviews to conduct; the committee as a whole will make
that decision.

1) Who should be interviewed (titles and /or categories of employees)?
2) Who should be administered a questionnaire (titles and /or categories of employees)?
3) Why did you choose these job titles?
4) How would you chose the specific individuals who should be included?
5) Would you recommend paper or web-based surveys?

Paper format:
 12 font Times New Roman / 1” margin for all four sides
 At least two pages in double space
 No cover page is required
 Type your name, course name, case study # in the upper right corner of the first page
before start typing your answers.
 You have to support rational reasons regarding your answers
 Type ONLY your answers following question orders, otherwise, you will be penalized.
Ex) 1. Kitchen problem ….
2. I think he was the right person because….

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