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Perform a SWOT Analysis for a real-world organization

Perform a SWOT Analysis for a real-world organization

A SWOT Analysis is used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a business. This analysis can be used to help in the creation of strategic plans for the future.

You will perform a SWOT Analysis for a real-world organization and complete your assignment as a PowerPoint presentation. Instructions: Choose a real-world organization. Perform a SWOT Analysis on the organization, creating a PowerPoint with your results.

Follow this format:

• Slide 1: Title slide with your name and the organization’s name.

Slide 2: Mission of the company.

Slide 3: Explain 4 to 6 strengths of the company (add more slides if needed).

Slide 4: Explain 4 to 6 weaknesses of the company (add more slides if needed).

Slide 5: Explain 4 to 6 opportunities of the company (add more slides if needed).

Slide 6: Explain 4 to 6 threats for the company (add more slides if needed).

Slide 7: Your conclusion. Provide your opinion on the strategic position of the

organization based on the findings of your SWOT.

Slide 8: Reference page.


Create a PowerPoint presentation, at least 8 slides.

Include at least 2 valid, credible resources.

Use APA formatting for citations, include in-text citations on slides

Answer preview to perform a SWOT Analysis for a real-world organization

Perform a SWOT Analysis for a real-world organization

10 slides

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