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Perform a SWOT analysis for Fitbit

Perform a SWOT analysis for Fitbit

Assignment 2 Case 4 (page 271): Fitbit Inc. in 2017

1. Perform a SWOT analysis for Fitbit (use chapter 4, table 4.2). 2. Use your SWOT table to diagnose strategic issues and recommend strategies. Notes:

 Max 375 words (about 1.5 pages double spaced, 12‐point font size, 1‐inch margin)

 An automatic plagiarism check will be conducted by Turnitin. Please make sure to use quotes if copying more than 6‐7 words. Preferably don’t copy long sentences from the case; summarize and paraphrase instead.

 The assignment does NOT have to be in essay format. Using bullet points is fine.

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Perform a SWOT analysis for Fitbit

434 words

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