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Analyse the situation and develop a corporate communications plan for Rolex

Analyse the situation and develop a corporate communications plan for Rolex

– “Sustainable attack” is an internet based anonymous activist group which fights irresponsible and unsustainable corporate performance

-“Sustainable attack” issued a press release today urging the 10 most reputable companies in the world to show significant commitment to the UN 2030 Millennium Goals. In their statement, they promised to join forces with hackers across the world to destroy these companies unless they produce evidences they are considering these goals into their 2018 strategic and operational plans.

– To demonstrate the seriousness of these warnings “Sustainable attack” announced they will hack the Song PS Network (#6 in the ranking) with malware capable of blocking permanently malware capable of blocking permanently users’’ devices in any part of the world.

2500 Words Essay: Analyse the situation and develop a corporate communications plan for Rolex

1. Analyze the situation, identity risks and potential opps and threats, analyze how they relate to stakeholders, think about the reputation the company presently holds and what kind of potential impact the situation may have on the reputation of the company.

2. Think about these issues in the context of a broader business environment and its interaction with other existing PESTLE forces.

3. Response to the crisis. Develop a integrated reputation management plan, process or platforms that has to be put in place.

Please include the references. (Use cross reference of PR strategy, theory, practice, crisis management etc.)


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Analyse the situation and develop a corporate communications plan for Rolex

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