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Conduct informal research using a sample of 5-6 of your friends or colleagues focused on how COVID-19 is impacting their travel

Conduct informal research using a sample of 5-6 of your friends or colleagues focused on how COVID-19 is impacting their travel

For this discussion, you will conduct informal research using a sample of 5-6 of your friends or colleagues focused on how COVID-19 is impacting their travel and/or other hospitality plans, discuss your results, and evaluate if they are consistent with the outlook for the industry. Please focus on how their attitudes may be changing due to our nearly normal summer, the emergence of variants (Delta) and the fact that we are heading into fall/winter and depending on where they are in the country, less outdoor activities.

Develop your own brief survey of 5 questions that you will ask and provide the questions in the discussion post.

Some things to consider might include:

How likely are you to plan travel or a vacation for the coming months? Did they travel this summer? How comfortable did they feel with their experience?

Are the variants (such as Delta) a cause for a concern for you?

What sort of re-booking or financial guarantee would be needed for you to plan a trip given the current conditions?

To what extent do you think your personal outlook on travel will be changed in the long term, as the pandemic lessens (and hopefully passes)?

2. Discuss your results

3. In conclusion, do you think your results are consistent with the overall industry outlook? Why or why not?

Discussion Expectation:

Length: It is expected that your discussion post will be approximately 750 words in length (approximately 1.5 pages single-spaced, size 12 font). Your responses (2) are expected to be approximately 250 words in length each.

Requirements: 1.5 page

Answer preview to conduct informal research using a sample of 5-6 of your friends or colleagues focused on how COVID-19 is impacting their travelConduct informal research using a sample of 5-6 of your friends or colleagues focused on how COVID-19 is impacting their travel


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