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How do you take in art in entertainment

How do you take in art in entertainment

Discussion, Salvador Dali!(r)


For this discussion, we get to watch a fantastic video on Salvador Dali, famed Surrealist and eccentric! This video is a crowd pleaser and sure to keep you entertained! Before you view the link, make sure to preview the questions below- it may be helpful to take notes as you watch the video.

After you watch the video, tell us (in this numbered prompt):

Define Surrealism.

How do you take in art in entertainment? In what forms? Media? TV, computer games? Reading? Magazines?

How does surrealism intersect with the art that you take in? In greater society (media)?

Is surrealism all around us? How so?

Provide 3 examples of surrealism in 2018. Not in traditional art forms. Advertising? Tv shows? Technology? Life? Do not limit your self to images from the textbook! Use image

How do you think Dali influenced artists of the future?

Not: Please respond two (2) classmates to meet the minimum requirement.( step 1 complete the discussion , step 2 I will send you two post to make reply) .


Answer preview to how do you take in art in entertainment

How do you take in art in entertainment


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