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Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice

Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice

Unit 6 Assignment

Scenarios: Bad Behavior and The Difficult Employee

Read each of the scenarios below and write a 2-page response (for each scenario) that evaluates the role the supervisor played in the maintenance of good order within the organization.

Scenario 1: Bad Behavior?

Sergeant Officer Stevens, the sergeant on the evening shift, reported to you (the shift lieutenant) that after roll call he heard two male officers telling sexually explicit jokes in the hallway. As the sergeant exited the roll call room, he noticed one of the female dispatchers standing within a few feet of the two officers. The sergeant chose to ignore the immediate situation and just made a report to you.

Scenario 2: The Difficult Employee

Officer Smith has become very difficult to deal with. During roll call, he is sarcastic about any new policy changes, orders, or directives given to him or the group. He is also one of the most productive officers you have, and other officers respect his leadership abilities. Recently, his sergeant brought disciplinary charges against Officer Smith. This resulted in a suspension and Officer Smith has now become far less productive.

Address the following issues in your paper:

  • Evaluate the sergeants’ responses to the scenarios.
  • How did the sergeants respond in both scenarios?
  • How do the sergeants’ actions ensure the maintenance of good order? If they do not maintain good order, what specifically about the sergeants’ actions disrupt that order?
  • In each scenario, how could the sergeants have done better?
  • What should the sergeants do in each case to ensure good order?
  • Write a 2-page response for each scenario, 4 pages total, plus title and reference page.





………………Answer Preview…………….

Scenario 1: Bad Behavior?

Sergeant Officer Stevens, the sergeant on the evening shift, reported to you (the shift lieutenant) that after roll call he heard two male officers telling sexually explicit jokes in the hallway. As the sergeant exited the roll call room, he noticed one of the female dispatchers standing within a few feet of the two officers. The sergeant chose to ignore the immediate situation and just made a report to you.

The response by sergeant Officer Stevens was not the best. Having heard everything that the two officers were joking about and the lady dispatcher standing a few meters from there, he would have acted in a more proactive way and handle the situation there and then. The two officers were in complete contravention of the ethical and discrimination laws of the force. With the lady standing there, we can presume that the sexual jokes were aimed at her. This is a form of ..


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