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Course outcomes and summative assessments are generally determined early in the instructional planning process

Course outcomes and summative assessments are generally determined early in the instructional planning process

Course outcomes and summative assessments are generally determined early in the instructional planning process and reflect what the students need to know and be able to do at the completion of a course. This instructional planning process that keeps the end in mind is called Universal Design or Backward Design.

For this assignment, begin to design a course using the “Course Design Template.” Select a content area you anticipate teaching and choose a course to develop within the content area. You will develop assessments and strategies that will be appropriate for either a traditional or an online course. You will only complete a portion of the “Course Design Template” this week and continue to add to it in future topics.

Complete only the following sections of the template this week:

  • Course title and description. (Literature for Young Adult, A survey of young adult literature from 1967 to the present. Selection and evaluation of books, poetry, short stories, and other media. Instruction in and practice with response theory using written assignments and oral presentations.)
  • Create three measurable learning outcomes for the course that align with the course description.
  • Create six topics of instruction and write appropriate topic titles. Ensure the topics are in a logical sequence to create flow throughout the course.
  • Create 2-3 measurable, specific learning objectives for each topic that align to the course learning outcomes.
  • Describe a summative assessment of course outcomes to be implemented near the end of your course.

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Course outcomes and summative assessments are generally determined early in the instructional planning process


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