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What is suicide depression?

What is suicide depression?

What is suicide depression?

This should be the culmination of work you have done throughout the course on your topic of choice. The final paper must explore your topic of choice in a scholarly manner with at least 5 articles as references/citations from scholarly peer-reviewed journals.

All of the research must have been published in the last 10 years (2009-2019).

Papers must be written in the current APA Publication Manual (go to APA.org or ask a librarian if you need assistance on APA formatting.

Papers should be between 5 and 6 pages, double spaced, a cover page, and a page of references.

All references should be cited within the paper, and all citations should be on the reference page.

If you have questions about whether a source is appropriate, ask me or visit the following link: http://www.umuc.edu/library/guides/identify.shtm

You may want to refer to the Social Science Toolkit (in the Content Section) for some

background in research/study articles.

Papers must be written using the current APA Publication Manual. Reminder:

For information on APA formatting, go to APA.org (http://apa.org/) (Then click on the Basics of APA Style OR ask a librarian umuc.edu/library/guides/apa.shtml

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What is suicide depression?


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