successful marriage
Phil Assignment
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Answer the following questions from the textbook:
Exercise 15-1: 2, 3
Exercise 15-2: 2, 5, 6, 9, 11
Exercise 15-3: 2 (This question is weighted three times of all other questions)
Answer the following questions from the textbook:
Exercise 16-1: 1b, 1c, 1e, 1f
Exercise 16-2: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
2017073021061620150620141005critical_thinking_consider_the_verdict__6th_edition___1_ (1) (1)
……………………………Answer preview………………………….
Living together before marriage has a mixed reaction as it may lead to a successful marriage or may also lead to a ruined marriage. Mary Spio has only based on the negative outcomes that come with living together before marriage. It is true living together before marriage may not lead to a successful marriage because the couples may get used to each other to the point that they may not have the romantic sessions when they get married. However, living together may also work for some people as it acts as a base of bonding and getting to know and understand each other better………………..
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