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Stricter Gun Control Laws

Stricter Gun Control Laws

How Can Stricter Gun Control Laws Impact Crime Rate
Assignment Instructions: No using Chat Gpt/ AI
at least 600- 1000 words
In this Analytical Research Essay, you will provide an argument thesis about your chosen
controversial topic (also called an issue). The goal of the essay, however, is not to prove your
argument thesis is absolutely right beyond a shadow of a doubt; instead, you want to persuade
readers that your particular critical interpretation of the topic is a valid one. To strengthen your
interpretation, you will analyze throughout the essay your four researched sources. e. For this first
draft, I want to see an introduction paragraph and at least three body paragraphs that develop
your reasons for arguing your particular perspective. Part of your arguing should include
engaging with at least 2 of your researched sources. DO NOT include a counter-argument/rebuttal paragraph in this rough draft. The introduction paragraph must begin with a background section which briefly details
why the topic is controversial; after the background section, you will present your thesis about
the topic. The thesis does not have to be fully formed for this rough draft, but it does need to
indicate your argumentative stance on the controversy.
The three body paragraphs must each begin with a clear topic sentence. Remember that
topic sentences present what you are focusing on in each paragraph. After the topic sentence in
each body paragraph, you will begin making a case for your argument, which includes engaging
with your researched sources. You can also have a first body paragraph that expands further
(beyond what the background section of the introduction includes) on why the topic is so
controversial. The essay must be double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with one-inch
margins all around. Write in the third-person point of view (no first or second-persons, I/we or
you) and remain in the present tense. Finally, when you cite from your researched sources (at least 2 for this rough draft), you
can either paraphrase small amounts or summarize larger portions of these sources. Use direct
quotations sparingly, only quoting small sentences, individual words, or phrases. Any time you
cite from your sources, end the citation (whether paraphrase, summary, or quote) with an MLA
parenthetical reference. The parentheses Does Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have a racist endingshould include the names of authors and page numbers;
however, if a source does not happen to include visible page numbers, just place the names of
authors in parentheses.
Paper Format: MLA

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