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Psychological Explanation and Solution for Stress

Psychological Explanation and Solution for Stress

Student #1- Norland

Psychological Explanation and Solution for Stress. (A personal Exploration)

Stress is a familiar feeling of emotional strain and pressure customarily experienced by individuals in different ways. This discussion aims to explore the psychological explanation and solutions for stress by reflecting on my stress level as an individual and peer and applying the relevant coping strategies to mitigate stressors in my life.

Based on important life events, I took the life stress change quiz to assess my stress level, and the result was a cumulative impact of these events on my stress levels (Mandriota, 2022). From the score, I might be experiencing moderate to high levels of stress, which affect my well-being and functioning.

Appraisal and coping significantly affect how different peers perceive and respond to stress. Various factors such as personality behaviors, previous experience, social support, and empirical appraisal impact how we understand and determine appropriate coping strategies. Stress can negatively affect peer health, resulting in compromised immune function, cardiovascular issues, and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

I embarked on specific strategies such as regular exercise and meditation techniques to manage my stress better (Maiyo, 2022). When one takes a regular exercise activity, it reduces the stress hormones and promotes well-being—furthermore, relaxation and meditation help to calm the mind and boost mental clarity.

Based on the psychological Disorders and Therapies, I chose Edward Enigma from the movie “Gotham “for analysis as he exhibits deviant, dysfunctional, and distressing traits. His life has been affected by severe anxiety and irrational fears interfering with his well-being. Edward Enigma’s symptoms align with obsessive-compulsive disorders. The possible treatment for Edward is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which will aim to modify negative thoughts pattern ( Cherry, 2022). Another treatment is exposure response prevention to help him confront his fears and refrain from performing compulsions.

This research discussion provides valuable insight into psychological explanations and solutions for stress by emphasizing the significance of coping strategies, health impacts, and cultural diversity.


Cherry, K. (2022, August 10). How cognitive behavior therapy works. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-cognitive-behavior-therapy-2795747

Maiyo. (2022, August 3). Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/exercise-and-stress/art-20044469

Mandriota, M. (2022, May 18). Stress quiz: Am I stressed?. Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/quizzes/stress-test

Student #2- Nicholas

The character I chose who is portrayed as suffering from a psychological disorder is from the movie A Beautiful Mind. Russell Crowe portrays John Nash, an introverted mathematician who suffers from schizophrenia. It is based on a true story of the real John Nash who contributed to game theory and won the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics. I did a paper on him in high school and his story was very interesting to me, though there are many differences.

Deviance: Much of John’s behavior throughout the movie he kept hidden from others but was far from normal. He had many delusions and was experiencing hallucinations. Hiding much of what he was doing from others and believing he was working for the Department of Defense. His behavior, though well hidden at times, could be very erratic. Sometimes lashing out in anger, moving from emotion to emotion very quickly. The times he was exposed for being abnormal, his behavior and feelings would change quickly.

Dysfunction: There were times his actions did allow him to function normally for periods of time, but ultimately his behavior was not sustainable for everyday life. It disrupted his relationships with friends and family due to his lying and deceitful treatment of them. He is also placed in a psychiatric hospital and put through shock therapy at one point, which is not functional for day-to-day life. His emotional state also varied frequently which also would make normal tasks very difficult.

Distress: John’s behavior does cause a lot of distress during the duration of the film, for himself and others. His hallucinations cause him a lot of personal anguish, stress, and emotional issues. Those around him are also put through intense emotional distress as his family and friends help him during his hard time. Them watching him go through his episodes take a high emotional toll. Though it is not the same situation, I had a very rough time with a family situation causing me emotional turmoil. My behavior and feelings began affecting everyone around me as well during this time. When an individual you care about is not being normal, the worry and anxiousness are spread to those around them, which is what happened in the movie.

Danger: John does cause dangerous situations for himself and others. His hallucinations put him in bad situations where he could be harmed. His son almost drowned during the movie in a bathtub due to his disorder. Also, John’s angry outburst makes many people feel unsafe as he is lashing out at his hallucinations.

Duration: Some of the schizophrenic episodes John were for long periods of time, but they slowly subside throughout the movie. He seems to get them under control and become more normal by the climax. There were several of them and they persisted for long periods of time though.

I do feel as though John’s behavior and feelings were enough to diagnose him with schizophrenia. His delusions created many different behaviors and feeling that would be considered abnormal in the DSM-5 model. Though he did not have a substance abuse issue, John did have anxiety, impulse control, mood swings, and a disorder (LeFrançois, 2020). For treatment, “Antipsychotic drugs (Haldol®, Navane®, Thorazine®) are used extensively to treat schizophrenia” (LeFrançois, 2020, section 10.7, para. 7). Other solutions seem to be support groups, assistance, and rehabilitation centers (Society of Clinical Psychology, n.d.). Though this disorder could be very difficult to deal with, movies like this may make it seem scarier than it is always. Gaining exposure to this may help individuals notice this in others, helping them get treatment quicker, or make it not seem as scary for those who may have it to reach out to get help. Seeing a dark side of it portrayed in society may make it harder to see in individuals it is not as apparent in as well. Culture and society may create a much more negative tone towards the issue, creating a stigma that some would not want to admit having; perpetuating the issue. I think we all have seen only the bad side presented of something at one point in our lives, to later find out it was not the whole story. I believe educating people about schizophrenia would help alter the perception of it and get more people the help they need.

-Nick Peterson


LeFrançois, G. R. (2020). Psychology: The human puzzle (3rd ed.). Zovio. https://content.uagc.edu/Links to an external site..

Society of Clinical Psychology. (n.d.). https://www.div12.org/psychological-treatments/

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Psychological Explanation and Solution for Stress


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