Strategies for Implementing Change
In the article “Take Charge: Managing Six Transformations in Health Care
> Delivery,” the authors Issel and Anderson propose six major changes
> happening in health care. Provide a summary and reaction to each change. Do
> you agree or disagree with each proposed change? Are any of these changes
> relevant to the focus of your proposal? Why or why not?
> link to the article:
> * Authors Issel, L. Michele1 Anderson, Ruth A.2 Ensure complete answers for
> the questions and comprehensive research to bring out the topic well.
> quality is essential in this question. good grammar is required. Use
> subtitles to enhance understandability *
> *APA, 300 words *
> *three references (use the article as one of the references)*
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Strategies for Implementing Change
The six critical transformation areas proposed by Issel and Anderson (1996) are: – Person-As-Customer to Population-As-Customer, Illness Care to Wellness Care, Revenue Management to Cost Management, Autonomy of Professionals to Interdependence of Professionals, Autonomy of Professionals to Interdependence of Professionals , and Patient as a Non-consumer of Quality Information to a Consumer of Cost and Quality Information.
The transformation from a Person-As-Customer to Population-As-Customer requires health care organizations to position themselves within the health care markets to enhance their ability of providing quality services to a large number of people in a population. There are different ways of transforming from Person-As-Customer to Population-As-Customer. For example, nurses can enact the new populations by assisting the disenfranchised groups…………….
445 Words