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Strategic Planning PowerPoint

Strategic Planning PowerPoint

Create a Strategic Planning PowerPoint for Best Buy using the template provided. Presentation should include detailed notes (under the notes section of your PowerPoint), may include key findings from the analyses you already provided throughout this course, and should bring the audience towards your final strategic suggestions. is an integration of all the strategic thinking you have done so far and result in a clear and salient strategic recommendation. Include proper references and citations.

PowerPoint Template and Instructions 

This template for your PowerPoint presentation is a guide. You should feel free to include the charts, illustrations, and concepts that fit your particular case. Your PowerPoint should not be more than 10 slides and should follow good presentation formatting. Use the notes section for any detailed explanation you would like to make.

  • Title slide
  • Summary of vision and mission
  • Environmental considerations
  • Organizational considerations
  • Illustration slides (no more than three), which can include competitive, IFE, QSPM matrices, or any other useful illustration that makes a valid case for the strategic choice
  • Strategic choice, based on your best intuition and the facts
  • Recommendations and next steps
  • Reference page






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