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An explanation of the most important element of the strategic planning process

An explanation of the most important element of the strategic planning process

The Strategic Planning Process

1- Page APA Format Three References from Provided Resources & link

An explanation of the most important element of the strategic planning process (e.g., stakeholders, sustainable outcomes, resources, community connections, etc.). Include how this element of planning helps public and non-profit organizations achieve optimal results. Then, explain how this element of planning relates to your own professional experiences.


( Resource Pdfs & Links Included & Must be  Properly quoted/ referenced/used in Paper )

National Council of Nonprofits. (n.d.). Strategic and business planning for nonprofits. Retrieved June 14, 2014, fromhttp://www.councilofnonprofits.org/strategic-business-planning-for-nonprofits


Free Management Library. (n.d.). Basic overview of various strategic planning models. Retrieved June 14, 2014, fromhttp://managementhelp.org/strategicplanning/models.htm


This website offers an overview of six different strategic planning models, including vision-based or goals-based planning, issues-based planning, alignment model, scenario planning, organic planning, and real-time planning.


  1. Laureate Education (Producer). (2008a). Approaches to strategic planning [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.



………………….Answer preview……………………

Strategic planning process is essential for organizations since it ensures a direction for the future and the tactics on how to get to the future. The main focus of the process is an entire organization (Laureate Education, 2008).  The most significant component of the strategic planning process is sustainable outcomes. Sustainable outcomes are essential for an organization since they ensure that the organization is achieving its objectives and goals in line with its mission and vision…………………

381 words

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