Strategic planning often occurs at high managerial levels in an organization
Strategic planning often occurs at high managerial levels in an organization (to which you may not have experience with at this time). To gain perspective on the importance of strategic planning, recall a professional experience from the employee perspective on the planning and implementation of a change in the workplace.
Recall a professional experience wherein a change was occurring and planning was required prior to implementing the change.
Examples could include implementation of an electronic medical record software, new processes between departments, new ownership of the clinic/hospital, change in the strategic plan due to failures, etc.).Summarize the planning phase of the experience from the employee perspective.
Include personal experience as well as descriptions of other employees involved in the experience.
Summarize aspects of the planning process that went well as well as challenges experienced.
Describe how a strategic plan could have helped mitigate the challenges that arose from the planning phase of the change.
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