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Determine the extent to which strategic planning aligns with organizational missions and visions within healthcare settings

Determine the extent to which strategic planning aligns with organizational missions and visions within healthcare settings

Determine the extent to which strategic planning aligns with organizational missions and visions within healthcare settings

Provide a brief summary of the case study you selected. Be sure to include the organization’s mission and vision for reference. II. Situational Analysis

A. Based on its mission or vision statements, what can you discern about the organization’s approach to strategic planning? Be sure to provide specific examples to justify your response.

B. What is the prevailing issue in question in the case study you selected?

C. What do you see as the overall strategic planning concerns for the healthcare organization with regard to this issue?

D. What role do you feel the healthcare manager plays in terms of strategic planning around this issue? Be sure to substantiate your claims.

E. Who are the key stakeholders affected by or involved in this issue, and what role do they serve in strategic planning within the organization?

F. To what extent do the organization’s policies address this issue? Be sure to justify your response.

G. To what extent does the organization’s strategic planning around this issue align with its organizational mission and vision? Use evidence and examples to justify your reasoning.

H. What do you feel are the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) with regard to this issue? Be sure to substantiate your claims with evidence and specific examples.

I. Based on the SWOT analysis you performed, what environmental factors are at play in terms of this issue, and what is their impact on the delivery of care within the organization? In other words, identify any new policies or new trends that will affect your day-to-day operation.

J. To what extent do you feel current organizational policies address the influence of the identified environmental or external factors? Be sure to justify your rationale.

K. What internal policy changes or new policies do you feel will need to be implemented to more effectively address the issue? Be sure to justify your response.

L. What role should the healthcare manager assume in terms of guiding strategic planning processes around policy revision or development? Why?

M. To what extent do the identified key stakeholders influence the strategic planning process in terms of policy change or development?

III. Recommendations

A. What course of action would you recommend the healthcare manager take in terms of strategic planning around this issue? Be sure to justify your recommendation with evidence.

B. What recommendations would you make for ensuring identified key stakeholders in the organization are involved in driving the strategic planning process? Be sure to substantiate your claims.

C. How might the organization better align its strategic planning and policy processes with its overall mission and vision, particularly with regard to this issue? Be sure to provide evidence to justify your response.


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Determine the extent to which strategic planning aligns with organizational missions and visions within healthcare settings


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