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Transferring a strategic plan into a reality can take more than planning.

Transferring a strategic plan into a reality can take more than planning.

5-1 Transferring a strategic plan into a reality can take more than planning. Provide an example of a leader who has transformed a strategic plan into a reality? How did they innovate and lead the company? What can you learn from this person?

5-2. Identify and discuss three reasons why market segmentation is so important to strategy implementation. Please include examples from industry you have been or would like to be associated with.

6-1 Describe why social responsibility and policy are key issues in strategic management and how you will integrate them in your recommendations for your group’s (Starbucks) company.

6-2 What global and international considerations should be made when conducting business?

7-1. Why is it important to project the first-year financial performance on a monthly basis and the subsequent yearly budgets, on a quarterly basis? Explain.

7-2. How do you plan to use financial statements in your projected financial statement analysis? Provide rationale for your approach.

8-1. Reflect on your experience in this course. What do you consider as, potentially, the most important elements when working to improve an organization’s competitive advantage and create value for all stakeholders?

8-2. The University’s Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work states that “Our work within the world matters to God and our neighbors, and that we honor God by serving others in ways that promote human flourishing. ”Select a company that demonstrates ethical behavior, social responsibility, and environmental sustainment. How does the selected organization promote human flourishing? What role does innovation and leadership play in strategic management? How does this contribute to an organization’s ability to achieve and sustain competitive advantage? Provide an example and rationale.

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