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An Introduction to Descriptive & Inferential Statistics

An Introduction to Descriptive & Inferential Statistics

Watch “An Introduction to Descriptive & Inferential Statistics” from the University Library and read Ch. 9, “Hypothesis Testing: A Conceptual Introduction,” of Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice.

researcher in the field of criminal justice may work with public or private criminal justice agencies to conduct research for myriad purposes. Carefully designing a research plan is crucial to producing reliable results.  

Suppose the department of corrections in your state has developed a rehabilitation program for criminal offenders who have been granted probation or parole. The administrators of the program wish to conduct a study to determine whether the program is effective in reducing recidivism rates.

Consider what you have learned about hypothesis testing concepts this week and how they may be significant to researchers conducting the study.

Discuss the following with the class:

  • Is the study an example of descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Explain.
  • Should researchers create a null hypothesis before conducting this study? Why or why not?
  • Should researchers also create an alternative hypothesis? Why or why not?
  • To test their research hypotheses, the researchers will need to select 1 or more statistical tests. This week you learned about three statistical tests commonly used in statistical research: t test, chi-square, ANOVA.
  • Which of these tests is most appropriate for evaluating the rehabilitation program? Explain.
  • Which of these tests is not suitable for evaluating the rehabilitation program? Explain.

Cite at least 1 scholarly source according to APA guidelines to support your thinking.

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An Introduction to Descriptive & Inferential Statistics


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