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MHA/520: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying And Cultivating Alliances

MHA/520: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying And Cultivating Alliances

MHA/520: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying And Cultivating Alliances
Week 5 Assignment: Organizational Communication and Strategies Interview
Assignment Content

Using your employer’s organizational chart, identify an individual in the organization who may have knowledge and experience implementing Communication strategies and make preparations to interview this person. The subject of the interview should center on organizational communication and strategies that determine what, when, and how information is communicated within the organization.

Create a list of questions about COMMUNICATION STRATEGY that you want to discuss during your interview, and SUBMIT them to your instructor for approval. This is an opportunity for you to learn about Communication Strategy from the person you are interviewing as opposed to simply learning more about the person.

Interview the person you have selected. If permitted, record an audio or video file of the interview so that you can refer back to it while you are preparing your SUMMARY video. If this is not possible, take notes during the interview and write out a transcript.

Note: The interview can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through an online conferencing application (e.g., Zoom, Skype, WebEx, or some other form of video chat).

Create a 2- to 3-minute video summary about the interview and what was discussed. Your video should contain both audio and visual components meaning I should see your face and hear your voice. Appraise the communication strategies utilized in by the person you interviewed and share any insight you gained on how the process can be improved. Do NOT submit a video of the actual interview.

Note: Present yourself as if you are reporting back to your employer. Be sure to wear professional attire. This video summary is the only thing that you will submit in the assignments section. You do not submit a written paper for this assignment.

Submit your assignment (Video Summary ONLY). For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


I am going to interview Roxanna Hudson / HR Manager at Old Jefferson Coummiuty  Center. so i need questions to ask her about the hiring process at would attract employee’s and what can the facility do to keep turn overs down starting with the Nurses.

Answer preview to MHA/520: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying And Cultivating Alliances

MHA/520: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying And Cultivating Alliances


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