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Internal stakeholders in the setting that my change proposal will be taking place includes the director of nursing

Internal stakeholders in the setting that my change proposal will be taking place includes the director of nursing

Andres’ note: I have to answer to at least 6 students post. I am sharing six of this post with you in order for you to make a valid response to each of these six posts ( 75 to 100 words for each) with supporting references.
Dounfo Thelusma
2 posts
Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

The most important stakeholders, who are crucial to the success of any strategic development in occupational health care, are the ones with high power and with high interest. These might also be stakeholders, whose opinions and views need to be discussed and elaborated, as their views can also differ and vary. It is counterproductive to involve the stakeholders at the start of an activity and after that leave them out of the communication loop (Auvinen, 2017). The stakeholders’ support is important because they will provide a wealth of knowledge about current processes, historical information, and industry insight, and they may bring up issues or concerns about meeting project needs, and constraints. The more regularly you engage and involve stakeholders from the start, the more likely you will have a positive project conclusion. By the end of the project, the team members should have already been aware of delivery expectations, risks, and how to mitigate the risks (Schoenhard, 2019). I plan on ensuring that the stakeholders are aware of every step that is going on with the project, the budget, as well as the risks involved.  Many studies confirm that active communication with different parties is an essential success factor for occupational health care activitie (Auvinen, 2017).

Auvinen, A-M. (2017). Understanding the Stakeholders as a Success Factor for Effective Occupational Health Care. Retrieved https://www.intechopen.com/books/occupational-health/understanding-the-stakeholders-as-a-success-factor-for-effective-occupational-health-care
Schoenhard, L. (2019). 4 Ways Stakeholders are Important to a Project. Retrieved from https://proficientlearning.com/4-ways-stakeholders-are-important-to-a-project/

April Toepfer
2 posts
Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

Internal stakeholders in the setting that my change proposal will be taking place includes the director of nursing, director of programs and services, infection health nurse, board committee members and the External stakeholders include providers, patients, suppliers and quality assessors (HealthKnowledge 2020).
Support is necessary to the success of a change process because stakeholders are a wealth of knowledge about current process, historical information, and industry insight. Many times these team members will have been at the company or on the project longer than the project manager or project team. Its important to involve all key stakeholders when gathering and documenting requirements to avoid missing major deliverables of the project. The more you engage and involve stakeholders, the more you will reduce and uncover risks on your project. When discussing initial requirements, projects needs, and constraints, stakeholders may bring up issues or concerns about meeting those things. By gathering and reviewing project requirements with stakeholders, you will get their “buy-in,” which will in turn help increase project success. The more regularly you engage and involve stakeholders from the start, the more likely you will have a positive project conclusion (4 Ways, 2019).
Ongoing communication is a strategy that i will use to secure and maintain stakeholders support. By maintaining regular communication with stakeholder, program staff can establish themselves as the key contact or source for information and provides a resource for stakeholders’ questions or concern (AHRQ, 2014).
Engaging stakeholders in a care management program (2014). Retrieved from: https://www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/long-term-care/resource/hcbs/medicaidmgmt/mm2.html#:~:text=Communicate%20Regularly,for%20information%20about%20the%20program.
Identifying and managing internal and external stakeholders interests (2020). Retrieved from: https://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/public-health-textbook/organisation-management/5b-understanding-ofs/managing-internal-external-stakeholders#:~:text=’Stakeholders’%20are%20by%20definition%20people,’stake’%20in%20a%20situation.&text=External%20stakeholders%20who%20are%20engaged,members%20of%20the%20local%20community.
4 Ways Stakeholders are important to a project. Retrieved from: https://proficientlearning.com/4-ways-stakeholders-are-important-to-a-project/

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Alyssa Camacho
3 posts
Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

Stakeholders are a key component for change implementation. It is important for leaders of change projects to identify key stakeholders and their perspectives on the need for change as well as their support for the planned change (O’Rourke, Higuchi, Hogg, 2016). The support of the internal stakeholders in the facility is essential to my project change because they are the ones that will help with the implementation, allow use of the facility and aid in conducting the educational program trial. Support from external stakeholders also helps with bringing community awareness (O’Rourke, Higuchi,Hogg, 2016). In order to secure support from stakeholders I first would need to present them with the need for change in the facility, the rationale for it and how it can improve the health of the community and patients that are seen in the clinic. By presenting a strong argument I could hopefully gain support from others in the clinic and nurses in the clinic that believe the change project would be beneficial to the clinic and the patients it serves. I would also share how implementation of the educational program would also help with health promotion within the community.

O’Rourke, T., Higuchi, K., & Hogg, W. (2016, June 03). Stakeholder Participation in System Change: A New Conceptual Model. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/wvn.12165

April Toepfer
2 posts
Re: Topic 5 DQ 2

Automated prompts have the ability to reduce the rate of surgical site infections. Researchers believe this inexpensive strategy will reduce SSIs. A daily prompt reminds patients a week before their operations to use antibiotic skin ointments and body wash, and in the 2 weeks after surgery the daily prompts coach patients on the warning signs of infections, such as pain, redness, odor, and discharge (Commins, 2016). Although I think the technology used for daily prompts is great, I don’t think it would be very effective fro my community. Most of the patients receiving orthopedic surgery in my community is elderly and would have a hard time understanding the prompts and I could see them being very confused.
Commins, J (2016). Can automated prompts reduce surgical site infections? Retrieved from: https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/strategy/can-automated-prompts-reduce-surgical-site-infections

Laurintia Kadiri
1 posts
Re: Topic 5 DQ 2

To help treat and better understand diseases and their spread, health data is collected. Health Information Technology (HIT) is one of the ways to collect this data and has helped improve the quality of care delivery, decrease medical errors, and increase patient safety (Neiman, 2017). Most change that affects practice changes in my current organization involves the use of technology. From computerized charting to the scanning of medication, timekeeping of employee hours, and patient access and data, technology involvement is intertwined with the organization’s daily processes. One technology implementation that could improve the outcomes of my capstone project change proposal is the inclusion of a way to keep nurses accountable for bedside reporting in the pediatric population. Although I had not thought of this inclusion, it can be easily adapted into the current charting system of EPIC. As the organization has in house IT, creating a space where both the reporting nurse, and the receiving nurse attest to a statement and sign saying that bedside reporting was performed in the pediatric population could be easily added. This is something to talk with my preceptor about and start getting information on how to go about using such technology.


Neiman, J. (2017, July 6). The Importance of Health Information Technology in Developing Areas. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from https://openmrs.org/2017/07/the-importance-of-health-information-technology-in-developing-areas/

Beatrice Nnabuenyi
1 posts
Re: Topic 5 DQ 2

The use of electronic health records (EHR) has become common place in most hospitals and acute care/facilities. The current system being used at my facility has embedded within the program/system alerts to notify the nurse to verify abnormal vital signs for a patient , it is called an Early  Warning System (EWS). The EWS will have a score of 1 through 4 with 4 being the worst score. Our system also fires reminders upon opening a patient’s chart to verify if the patient has food allergies and to administer the flu vaccine for those patients that qualify. To assist with my change project, a reminder can be programmed into a patient’s chart as a reminder to complete a comprehensive skin assessment within 24 hours of admission. In addition, a clinical  support decision feature can be embedded with the EHR that can improve clinical decision making in regards to patient’s   at risk for HAPU’s , improve patient safety and outcomes, as well as improve quality of care ( Cho, Park, Kim Lee, & Bates, 2013). Currently , there have been few computerized approaches utilized that use EHR data to predict the risk for pressure ulcers in patients (Cho et al., 2013).
Barrier to using a program embedded within the EHR include the process for approval and budget to implement the upgrade. In addition, there is minimal data that this would be successful in our facility. There would need to be a pilot study to test the effectiveness. This in itself would be another change project. However, EHR’s are quickly becoming an integral component in many healthcare facilities and have the potential to contribute to reducing health care costs as well as improve health care quality (Cho et al.,2013).
Cho,I.,Park,I.,Kim,E.,Lee, E., & Bates, D.W.(2013). Using EHR data to predict hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: A prospective study of a Bayesian Network model. International Medical Informatics,82(11), 1059-1067.doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2013.06.012

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Internal stakeholders in the setting that my change proposal will be taking place includes the director of nursing


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