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What do you see as plausible possible courses of action moving (hypothetically) forward

What do you see as plausible possible courses of action moving (hypothetically) forward

Based on your final results in the simulation, individually submit a well-written, typed, 3-5 page, double spaced essay (which will be evaluated on written communication skills) that carefully addresses each the following:

1. What do you see as plausible possible courses of action moving (hypothetically) forward? Describe at least three alternatives; each should be discussed in detail and address different stakeholder perspectives.

2. What would be the outcome implications of each of your proposed possible alternative courses of action? Describe any ethical implications associated with each of the decision alternatives.

3. What should the strategy be so that the company is best positioned under each decision alternative?

4. Based on your best analyses, which one of the above courses of action do you recommend and why?

5. As implications of your recommended decision, what are the actions needed in the next year for each function in the company: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Technology, Operations, etc.?



Answer preview to what do you see as plausible possible courses of action moving (hypothetically) forwardWhat do you see as plausible possible courses of action moving (hypothetically) forward


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