Comparing social media platforms.
1. Comparing social media platforms. Assign a random sport organization to each student and require them to compare how the team promotes their products on various social media platforms. Students should find the team’s official Twitter page, Instagram page, Facebook home page, Snapchat accounts, YouTube channels, and any official blogs, podcasts, and other forms. Students then discuss the different forms of media, tone, atmosphere, and sales strategies attempted on the various platforms.
2. LinkedIn prospecting. Have students log into their own LinkedIn accounts and go through the prospecting process. Students should select (or be assigned) a sport organization to represent and use the LinkedIn search feature to come up with a list of 10 prospects that may be qualified to purchase something from the team (most commonly, sponsorship or tickets). Have the students probe for information on the prospect’s LinkedIn pages and explain how and why they may be qualified. An extra step would be to require students to craft an opening line to introduce themselves to the prospect.
Requirements: 1 page
Answer preview to comparing social media platforms.
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