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Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc.

Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc.

Project 1 Software Design Documents  S/W Project 1:
The team is working on another security product. This product is aimed at both consumer level and  business level customers. The product tentatively named “DataNanny” is a data tracker isolation product.  DataNanny will work to isolate you and your personal/corporate data from being collected and sold online.
Unlike other products that work in isolation or on an app-by-app basis, DataNanny will be app-independent  and multi-device aware. It will achieve a totally isolated “environment” for its users ensuring them of  completely untracked usage of all of their personal computing devices (phones, tablets, and  laptops/desktops).
DataNanny, however, requires total buy-in. Users, both individual and corporate, must install and run  DataNanny on all of their devices for the product to be functional. If any single device is omitted, the  blocking of data will not be functional. You can not dam a river if the dam has holes in it.
DataNanny will function using a central server facility that will coordinate all tracking blockers installed on  your devices. All data requests will be routed through DataNanny, which will be constructed to function as a  proxy server for your devices. This will allow DataNanny to filter all network requests for data and allow only  those requests that have been deemed “safe.”
The technical challenge for DataNanny’s proxy server is speed. Users will only tolerate a moderate amount  of delay in page loading and data transfer rates before they begin to lose faith in the value of anonymity.
DataNanny will provide a logging and notification system, where users can see what requests have been  made and which of those have been blocked or allowed. Users will be able to challenge a blocked or  allowed request. Challenged requests will initially be reviewed by an AI, and all requests with a certainty  level below 85% will be directed to an evaluation team to determine why the user needs the request to be  allowed. A user’s request will take no more than 24 hours to resolve. Further research will be needed to  determine the AI inputs appropriate to satisfy a minimum 95% success rate with challenged requests.
All software will be written in Swift due to speed constraints. If management determines that this makes  recruitment difficult, the language can be changed to C++.

Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your director has called for all development teams to submit product briefs detailing their current projects. The director plans to share the most promising product briefs with clients at an upcoming meeting. You have software design documents for two projects your team is currently working on.
Since communications must be targeted to a specific audience, before you can create a product brief for a client, you must know more about the client. Your knowledge of the client will inform the decisions you make in the client brief—from the type of language you use to how you present data and graphics. To begin this milestone activity:
Choose one of the software design documents to focus on for both 2-1 Milestone Activity: Audience Persona and Project One: Non-technical Audiences.
Consider all of the different groups of people (audiences) who are likely to use that application.
Choose one audience to focus on for your persona.
Choose a stock picture and name for the persona that will serve as the representation of your chosen audience.
Identify demographics and psychographics associated with this audience.
Resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style. The following resources may help support your work on the project:
Resource: Defining Audiences and Creating Personas
Shapiro Library Resource: APA Style: Basics
Guidelines for Submission
To complete this activity, you must submit an audience persona.
Your audience persona must:
Be at least 500 words
Be single spaced
Be submitted as either a Word document or PDF
Completely address all of the requirements in the Prompt section
The audience persona can otherwise be formatted/organized in any manner.

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Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company Optimum Way Development Inc.


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