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What limitations should be placed on research with incarcerated participants

What limitations should be placed on research with incarcerated participants

Research on Psychology

Question A

What limitations should be placed on research with incarcerated participants? What are the special ethical concerns with incarcerated populations? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support your perspective.

Question B

We often hear people blame stereotypical gender differences in behaviors on testosterone or estrogen levels (e.g., men are aggressive because they have so much testosterone; women are emotional because of their estrogen levels). From what we have read, do you believe that testosterone and estrogen cause differences in behavior based on gender? If so, to what extent are they to blame? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support your perspective.


Explanations of Socialization

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. If you have not done so lately, please review the Rules of Discussion

For your follow up post…review the responses provided by your peers. Engage in conversation, or even civil debate, as you discuss their insights and viewpoints. You may ask questions for clarification (if you are confused by their initial post) or pose questions that advance the conversation. You might even find a topic that leads you to further research in the area!

View your discussion rubric

Please consider and discuss the areas where you socialize most.  In this discussion forum please address the following questions:

Is it work, a religious institution, a community group, a volunteer organization, online through this class, or through a social media website?

What are some of the interaction norms?

Are sanctions imposed for following the norms?

How did you learn the norms?

Answer preview to  what limitations should be placed on research with incarcerated participants

What limitations should be placed on research with incarcerated participantsAPA

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