You are required to present outreach workshops
As a social worker, you are required to present outreach workshops from time to time.
For this activity, you should consider the following workshop description and objectives for a refugee mental health awareness workshop.
Present a 6-slide interactive PowerPoint: include images, animations, and notes
Brief description of the workshop: (type of workshop e.g. creative, informational, or learning, targeted clientele, etc.)
Open group, in person. Targeting refugees and immigrants.
Newly resettled refugees and immigrants are at higher risk for mental health problems, but few seek formal psychological help. Several research studies show that mental health literacy factors, stigma belief factors, and social economic factors are factors influencing refugees’ seeking formal mental health help.
Objective(s) of this workshop: To identify the different factors associated with seeking mental health assistance:
1- To inform refugees about mental health (What is mental health; Causes of poor mental health; Consequences of poor mental health.; Discuss some symptoms and when to seek help.
2- Educate refugees on the factors that prevent them from seeking help for mental health problems (Cultural belief factors; Stigma of mental health and socio-economic barriers.
3- Inform refugees about the mental health services available in their community and how to access them.
Paper Format: APA
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