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Identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history.

Identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history.

The purpose of the Philosopher Values & Ethics Assignment is to identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history. Candidates will provide historical examples of how educators in the past have displayed specific values and ethical dispositions. Considering factors regarding current society and cultural issues, candidates will also provide examples of how educators today may impact culture through the dispositions of social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism. As candidates identify various dispositions displayed by historical figures, they are indicating the relevance of specific ethical beliefs and actions. Candidates apply the lens of Biblical truth and of their own educational philosophy as they analyze the dispositions of various philosophers.


Template: Using the Philosopher Values & Ethics Template, explain how each disposition was exemplified by a particular educational philosopher. Refer to a variety of different philosophers throughout the template and cite each example in APA format; include a reference list at the bottom. Also, propose how educators today might impact culture by applying each disposition. Current application should be specific to societal issues that influence education. Do not submit a formal paper for this assignment. The template is all that is required.

Length: Each cell in the template should include one or two fully-developed and well-structured sentences.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via an online plagiarism tool.

SCRIP Disposition Explanation

Below is an explanation of what is intended by each disposition. Consider these definitions as you complete the assignment: S-C-R-I-P: Social responsibility, Commitment, Reflective practice, Integrity, Professionalism

1. Displays a sense of Social responsibility and the belief that all students can learn.

Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness

(Gal 5:22,23)

Demonstrates the belief that all students can learn.

Demonstrates a sense of fairness, justice, and equity for all students.

Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of all diverse learners.

Demonstrates empathy and sensitivity to human needs.

Provides opportunities and motivation for all students to learn.

Interacts effectively with students to provide a positive, structured learning environment where student access, success, and achievement is priority.

2. Demonstrates Commitment and Work ethic.

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness, Longsuffering

(Gal 5:22,23)

Is committed to the professional field of education.

Follows through on commitments.

Takes responsibilities seriously.

Completes assigned tasks on time.

Shows the self-discipline and work ethic essential to be planned, prepared, and organized for success.

Demonstrates a persevering commitment to each student’s learning success.

3. Demonstrates Reflective practice.

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

(Gal 5:22,23)

Critically evaluates issues as a means for reform and progress.

Considers thoughtfully educational matters and the practice of teaching.

Makes choices after pondering ideas and experiences.

Learns from collaboration and shared leadership with colleagues.

Utilizes data to make informed decisions.

4. Displays personal Integrity.

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

(Gal 5:22,23)

Models exemplary citizenship through moral leadership.

Acts in an ethical and moral manner.

Values honesty both professionally and personally.

Demonstrates trustworthiness.

Abides by a professional code of ethics; maintains confidentiality and discretion.

5. Displays Professionalism in behavior and actions.

Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness, Meekness, Temperance

(Gal 5:22,23)

Respects authority, colleagues, students, and others.

Accepts constructive feedback in a respectful, appropriate manner.

Demonstrates appropriate behavior; possesses patience, self-control, and flexibility when obstacles or difficult situations occur.

Effectively manages personal emotions and feelings and reacts reasonably to situations.

Adheres to proper, formulated lines of communication / expresses a grievance in a dignified, temperate manner.

Acts confidently and maturely.

Is prompt and responsible in attendance for class, field experiences, meetings, etc.

Effectively uses language in speech and writing to persuade and positively impact others.

Maintains enthusiasm and passion for the field of education.

Cooperatively collaborates with others to form learning communities.

Views learning as a life-long activity.

Answer preview to identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history.


Identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history.



498 words

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