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How were the people arranged in the physical environment

How were the people arranged in the physical environment

one of the references

Myers, D. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

How were the people arranged in the physical environment (layout of room and seating arrangement)? Sitting around tables

What is the composition of the group, in terms of number of people 50,  ages 21-65, sex, male and female ethnicity, Open etc.?

What are the group purpose, mission, and goals? To improve patients care

What is the duration of the group (short, long-term)? Explain. So everyone can respond in a timely manner

Did the group structure its discussion around an agenda, program, rules of order, etc.?

Describe the structure of the group. How is the group organized?

Who are the primary facilitators of the group? Certified Nurse Assistants

What subject or issues did the group members examine during the meeting? Proper care

What types of information did members exchange in their group? Different ways to make patients feel comfortable

What were the group’s norms, roles, status hierarchy, or communication patterns?

What communication patterns illustrated if the group was unified or fragmented? Explain.

Did the members share a sense of identity with one another (characteristics of the group-similarities, interests, philosophy, etc.)? yes

Was there any indication that members might be vulnerable to Groupthink? No Why or why not?  All staff want to make sure the patients are happy  your opinion, how did the collective group behaviors influence individual attitudes and the group’s effectiveness? Provide your overall analysis.

Part II

Write a 4 page paper (300 words per page) incorporating your analysis with evidence to substantiate your conclusion. Explain how your observations relate to research studies on norm formation, group norms, conformity, and/or social influence. Integrate your findings with literature from the textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, and additional scholarly sources

…………………………..Answer preview……………………………..

Groups have been a major interest in many studies carried out by social psychologists. This is because of the recognition of groups as an important unit of analysis for the study of human behavior in different environment such as schools, organizations, and in the society………………………..


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