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How does media bias affect the public’s ability to gain factual information about social, economic and political issues

How does media bias affect the public’s ability to gain factual information about social, economic and political issues

Write a summary using 3 scholar articles and answering these questions.

How does media bias affect the public’s ability to gain factual information about social, economic, and political issues?

How can we combat (fight) media bias in our current time?

What role does social media play when it comes to media bias? Does it help or hurt the situation?

A summary does not contain any quotations from the article. It is simply a one-paragraph description of the main idea of the article (What does the article say? What is the central message?); it should be written entirely in your own words. Be sure that your summary includes the title and author of the article you’re discussing. In conjunction with the one-summary paragraph, make sure your initial post also discusses at least one of the following questions.


200 words or more

Answer preview to how does media bias affect the public’s ability to gain factual information about social, economic and political issues

How does media bias affect the public's ability to gain factual information about social economic and political issues


355 words

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