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SOCI-3220 Fall 2016 Research Design Project



SOCI-3220 Fall 2016

Dr. Garrison A. Henderson


All students will be required to complete a hypothetical research design in one of the following subject areas: Crime, Drug Abuse, Smoking, Marriage, Employment, Housing, or Education.  The primary idea here is to complete the assignment by addressing each of the template items below. You will be simply following the format of the template which builds into a research design if someone was to conduct an actual study. You’re only specifying elements of a hypothetical but realistic research study.  You need the The Practice of Social Research Book by Earl R. Babbie Please!!!!!!!!


The assignment is NOT a research paper nor will you be required to actually conduct a study. Remember, your projects are only proposed or hypothetical research design projects. 

  1. First, decide on your topic from list of subjects above. You may also decide to choose some variation or aspect of the listed subjects. “Drug Abuse” for a topic based on a variation of the subject “Young Adult with HIV/AIDS and STD.”
  2. You should select a scholarly based journal article of your topic to use as a guide to follow when completing each element of the project. However, please reference all journal articles as you follow the steps of the template. In addition, reference your textbook for clarification of terms and concepts.
  3. As you proceed through the steps, you can submit (non-required) different steps each week for feedback.
  4. Periodically, there will be steps you can upload primarily for feedback. You will receive grade in the blackboard but the actual grade will not count towards your course average. It’s just helps me to keep the gradebook consistent. The benefit of submitting individual steps periodically is that you only need to compile your steps into the final research design project. You will receive an actual grade on the final research design project.

            Your project final grade will be based on the level of compliance to the Grading Rubric listed below. Each section of the rubric will be worth 10 points, up to a total of 80 possible points. You should include all listed sections in your respective projects. (See pages 112-116, Figure 4-6 in your textbook). In addition, use the same format as listed below:


1).Interests, Idea, Theory: Establish the purpose of the research study in this section (See Chapter 2), and the specification of the research design should also be mentioned here.

10 points ______________________    

2). Conceptualization: A working definition of terms and/or concepts should be described in this section (See Chapter 5).

10 points________________________

3). Operationalization: Your explanation of how the concepts will be measured should be included in this section, involving specific measuring techniques (See Chapters 5 or 6).

10 points__________________________   

4). Populations and Sampling: You will need to state your study population as well as a specific sampling procedure here (See Chapter 7).

10 points__________________________     

5). Mode of Observation (See Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, depending on your selected observation method). In this section, you will need to describe your strategy of observation such as an experiment, survey tool, fieldwork, or unobtrusive measure. Your mode of observation will serve as the vehicle to collecting data.

10 points______________________________   

6). Data Processing: In this section, you will explain how your raw data will be transformed or placed into a particular, interpretable format (See Chapter 13 or 14).

10 points_______________________________ 

7). Analysis: After the raw data is transferred into a suitable form, the statistical analysis is ready to be performed in the study. You will mention your specific analysis to be used in the study (See Chapter 15 or 16).

10 points______________________________     

8). Application: This section begs the question of “What will you do with the findings in the study?” You will need to explain your professional intentions in communicating the research findings to others (See Chapter 17, pp. 517-518).

10 points______________________________






…………….Answer Preview…………….

Interests, Idea, and Theory

Many people don’t comprehend why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may tend to assume that those who use drugs tend to lack some moral values that are there in society; however, this is not the case since most of the drug addicts cannot just choose when to stop using the drugs seeing as they cannot do without the drugs. Use of drugs usually changes the brain in ways that make quitting tough, even for those who have the strong will to do so. Drug addiction is usually a chronic disease characterized by seeking of drugs and use that is compulsive and difficult to control, despite there being harmful consequences of using the drugs. The decision to use drugs for the 1st…..


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