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Prepare for your final logic model project and gain some practice in creating SMART goals for your program.

Prepare for your final logic model project and gain some practice in creating SMART goals for your program.

This discussion board will help you prepare for your final logic model project and gain some practice in creating SMART goals for your program.

Begin by reviewing the resources below, SMART behavior change outcome objectives.

Then, take a look at your short and long term outcomes that you will use in your logic model (see attachments below to see final project topic.

Post one outcome that you feel is not SMART (or as SMART) as it can be and discuss what you are going to do to change it.


S.M.A.R.T. Behavior Change Outcome Objectives: (Links to an external site.)The statements for the short and long term results (outcomes) in your logic model should meet the criteria presented in this resource.

Link SMART Goals – Quick Overview (Links to an external site.)

Textbook Readings: Chapters 20, 22 and 23 – Outcomes Measurement in The Human Services, 2nd edition.

Measuring Outcomes (Links to an external site.): Your focus in reviewing this resource is to identify how to articulate what you will be measuring in your logic model. Review pages 9-26 which focus on logic model development. Be sure to understand the difference between an output and outcome and note that in the online logic model tool we are using the word “result” to mean outcome.

Program Evaluation & Performance Measurement: (Links to an external site.) These functions are critical for developing effective programs. Review the differences between program evaluation and performance measurement and the different types.

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Answer preview to prepare for your final logic model project and gain some practice in creating SMART goals for your program.

Prepare for your final logic model project and gain some practice in creating SMART goals for your program.

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